Friday, April 24, 2020


 Peanut had a bath and he’s all curly now.   He’s on the west coast.  I’m on the east coast.  But, we all have to keep up normal things during this time at home.  Like dog baths.
Mitsy says, "Am I getting a bath?"    Her stitches are out and she's doing great.  So, she had a bath.  She was really good!   She had some sores on her neck that are healing well and she did well on being blown dry.  She has come so far!  Look at that smile!
My groomer at the vet was open for awhile, but now they are closed. :-(   Minnie couldn't go anyway because of her high stress.   I have to bathe her anyway and hand trim her.  She looks like I hand trim her.  LOL   But, it's less stress on her.
Chumley-- he doesn't like his nails trimmed.  Some don't.  I hate to trim nails. 
Can I say that again?  I HATE TO TRIM NAILS.   So, Chumley wore this "space helmet" while I did his.
Clara is next.  But, she's small and easy.  Five are done.  One to go.   
Piper was so glad it was over that he laid down for a nap.  I wanted to join him!   Bath days are exhausting!  

1 comment:

  1. Yes.... bathing your dog is darn exhausting!

    I hate to trim nails too...... especially by me!! lol

    Poor Yum Yum he runs when he see's me coming with the trimmers!
