Friday, June 5, 2020


 Several of you have asked how Applesauce is doing since his surgery.
 He is doing better.  I don’t have an e collar on him because he’s being very good and not bothering his surgery sites.
 Applesauce is a funny boy.  When he first came, I put his food in a bowl. Just like all the other dogs.  I use dessert bowls.  They are a perfect size for a Peke.
He did fine for awhile.  Then, he began pushing them around and the food went everywhere. So, we tried a plate. He learned to tip that and the food rolled off- everywhere. 
 So I got out a big, heavy ceramic bowl.  He tried to push it over.  🤣🤦‍♀️
 He failed. 😳
 His eye/nasal folds were rubbing  his eyes so surgery removed the excess.  You can barely see the incision because his face has a lot of black.
 Applesauce is wagging his tail and feeling so much better.
 His legs are stronger and not so bent— his muscles weren’t very good.  Each day, he does better.
 He decided to take a sojourn through the border grass.  There are paths but he walked through instead of around.
 Piper wondered what’s he was doing.
 It was time for bed and he curled up on a blanket, ready for sleep.  He is doing so well.  ❤️


  1. So great to read Applesauce is going well Linda!

  2. beautiful baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I love his name but wonder how that came about but I shouldn't since I've had Pekes all my adult life and they all had foodie names.....Cupcake, Cookie, Biscuit, Lamb Chop, Noodle.....
