Thursday, June 4, 2020


 Sweet Applesauce came into rescue a few weeks ago.
 He was a stray and had not been cared for. He had to be completely shaved because of matting.  His nails were curled around several times.  
 He looks similar in size to Clara but he’s five pounds heavier.  He’s pretty solid but Clara is small.
Applesauce was not neutered so that needed to be done.  He needed nasal fold (eye fold) surgery. And his mouth was a huge mess.  He was already missing teeth but the ones left weren’t good. 

 His mouth was worse than anticipated.  He had broken teeth, rotten teeth, fistulas    After surgery, as he was recovering, he began flailing around. They had to hold him.  His mouth was bleeding because he was so disoriented and had bumped his face.   This is called Dysphoria and it can happen after anesthesia.
 Poor Applesauce had to be sedated again, and repair had to be done because he had opened some stitches.
After he came home, he cried a lot.  He was still crying and whining after several hours. 
 He was having trouble after surgery.  I changed his e collar but that didn’t help.
 My vet stayed in touch w me and I gave Applesauce extra medication.  Dysphoria can last 12-24 hours.  I was getting ready for a long night. 😢
The meds kicked in, and he settled down. 
 His mouth was swollen yesterday from all the work that was done but he was better.  He even ate a soft dinner last night.
 Last night, he curled up on the couch with me.
The worst is over.  Healing has begun.  He’s been so brave.  I’m so proud of this little warrior, ❤️


  1. Oh Applesauce .... you are one brave dude!!!

    Keeping healing little one XXXX

  2. I'm so glad you were by his side. And happy to hear that he's beginning his journey to better health, a loving home somewhere is waiting for him and he's the newest winner of the rescue lottery.
