Thursday, June 18, 2020


Clara came to me in December-- that's why I named her Clara -- after the character in The Nutcracker.  (I think that one is spelled Klara, but that's where her name came from.)   She's my Christmas girl.  🎄
With each foster dog, I learn something.  Some more than others.  When I carry Clara, she loves to turn and rest her head completely on my hand.  It must take some stress off her head and neck.  And she's so small, she fits right in.  She is totally relaxed in this position. 
I've never had a foster dog with a brain tumor, so I wanted to learn more.  I googled it.  The more I know, the better prepared I am to help. 
There is no known reason why dogs get brain tumors.   Flat faced dogs tend to have them happen more.  Are their brains more compressed?  I don't know.
The symptoms can seem to appear quickly.   Clara was fine one day-- not fine the next.   The tumor must have been there, and suddenly hit an area where physical symptoms became apparent.  Some of the things I've learned:
--The eyes can be effected. With Clara, if I hold her up to put in her eye drops, one eye drops down.  I can see the white of that eye, while the other stays in place.  That eye also blinks more. 
-- The ability to walk can be effected.  They can look like they are "drunk."  They can also circle.  Clara stumbles when she walks.  She also tends to walk in large circles at time.  I think this is because of the head tilt that has become more pronounced as time has gone on.  If the circling becomes more in a small area, that's a sign of the tumor has spread into more area.
-- Hearing loss can be from a brain tumor.  Clara was deaf when I got her, so I don't know if this is from age or the tumor. 
-- Aggression can be present.  Clara does not have this.  She is very mellow.  I can do anything to her or for her.  She is very gentle and sweet.  I'm grateful. 
-- Seizures can begin because of a brain tumor.  Clara has had "focal seizures" and "air licking seizures" but they are not full blown seizures.  The vet told me if this begins, it is time to think of letting her go.  It would mean the tumor had grown and life quality was being effected. 
The treatment for tumors is prednisone in most cases.  Some people select euthanasia to avoid further complications and that's okay.  You have to determine what you can handle and what your pet can handle.   Some select to treat with prednisone, which I have done.  Some select MRIs, to get more information.  We have not done that because the treatment would be the same.  And MRIs are very costly ($1800 and up), and it would not change what we are doing. 
I have learned so much about so many medical conditions.  I wish I didn't have to.  But, it helps me to treat them with more knowledge.   I can help Clara to feel better while she goes through this.  Do I wish I hadn't had her?  Not for a moment.  She has been a tiny 8 pound blessing and I wouldn't trade my time with her for anything.  I have the chance to love her and hold her and hope I can make her feel the love I have for her-- and the love so many of you have for her.   That's what rescue is sometimes.  Loving them for the time we can.  It's a privilege.  💜❤️  Clara has been a love to have. 
Here is a link if you want to learn more. 


  1. I did know about the aggression and the other symptoms but I did know about the circling.
    I think its a good thing to know as much as you can about a ill dog .... in fact - your illness if you have one.

    Prayers for little Clara.

  2. Our Little Peke Buddy started by holding his head against the wall. He would do that for hours. The Veterinarian said it was due to tumors. We adopted Buddy when he was Eleven and his owner was headed to a Nursing Home. He went everywhere with us. He started developing seizures, which are really scary that first time. Our Veterinarian was most helpful with Buddy. We miss him as he passed over the Rainbow Bridge 2 years after we adopted him.

  3. Stories like these bring tears to my eyes. The total commitment to caring for these little angels and providing whatever is necessary to ease their ills, their suffering and give them a loving , caring, fur-ever home for as long as is necessary or as long as they are here.

    I cannot express my respect, my thanks and my thanks for what you and all those in rescue do for these little ones.

    Thank god that there are people such as yourself that are willing and able to give of themselves to make a home for these wonderful little dogs.

    Miss Jeanne would be so proud of all of you for all you do.

    Thank you all


  4. When I look at her little head turned that way it makes me sad and weepy. But the fact that you don't just give up and you allow Clara to have love and security that she obviously loves is wonderful.

    Thank you for being there and saving this little girl so that she experiences something she should have had her entire life.

  5. wow so special and sweet. Thank you for taking care of her !!! this blog brings me so much joy. I am happy that you are taking the time to care for her and not rushing for euthanasia !!!!!! love you all
