Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Sometimes, we get a dog into rescue, and for different reasons, we decide they should not be adopted.  Some dogs come to us with medical issues that need to be cared for indefinitely, and we decide to keep them in our care.   Some have emotional issues, and we feel that making them go through another change would be detrimental to their health.   
Minnie was one of those dogs who was broken emotionally.  We know her first owners died, and then she was with someone else for a year.  She was not medically cared for and one eye was injured. When she came into rescue, we could not save her right eye .
Minnie was a little stress bucket.  If you do anything-- like bathe her, or hold her except for one way, or take her somewhere-- she shakes horribly.
She is on prozac, and has calmed down here.  We feel another change would be too hard for her, so she will finish her life with me.  She is almost 15, and healthy. 
BG came in as Baby Girl-- but the BG could stand for a lot of things.  🤣
She came into rescue with Furby and Rocky.   Furby is gone now, from cancer, and Rocky was adopted by his foster family.   BG is with Kay and Claretta and she is a pistol.  She has health issues that led to her becoming a forever foster.  She is 14 1/2 years old now.
Our sweet Clara-- I know I've posted dozens of pictures of her.   When she came into rescue, she had been in a small, rural shelter.  She had lived with someone for four years (having been adopted from the same shelter), but she'd had zero medical care.  Her mouth was a mess.  She was shaved down. 
She had everything medically done for her, and was almost ready for adoption when something happened.  She was fine one day, not fine the next.  Medical care/tests determined she had a brain tumor. 
She is declining, but still with us.  She is a love, she is eating.  She loves to be held with her head in the curve of my neck.   She takes her sub-q fluids like a little princess.   She will be loved until it is time to leave us.
King is another precious one who was taken to a shelter by his owner.   He was an old boy, 16 years old.  He needed skin care-- antibiotics, special baths.  He was too thin.  
King is not adoptable due to medical issues.  He has a growth in his mouth that is being monitored.  It cannot be removed, but he's a happy, loving boy.   He will be cared for the rest of his life.
Chi Chi (pronounced with a long i) came from a Maryland shelter. 
She was born on September 20 2002.  Yes, she is almost 18 years old. 
Due to her age, she will not be adopted.  She is happy and doing well with Robin.  She is a beautiful little girl. 
 Rosie Too-- look at that face.  She was in a shelter and not doing well.   They asked us for help.
She is a mix-- sometimes, we make a "mistake" and take in a mix.  But, she needed help.  When she came into rescue, she settled down.  She was adopted, but returned.  She wasn't adjusting.  She went to another foster home, and didn't do well there either.  So, she went back to the home where she had been for several days on her way into rescue.  She is doing well there.  She still has issues, but her foster parents are so patient and loving with her.  She is going to remain a permanent foster, since she is special needs emotionally.  

We can provide this care for these special dogs-- and others who come to us and are then adopted-- because of donations made to our rescue.  Our foster homes put a lot of money, time, and love into the dogs they care for.  But, our foster homes aren't expected to pay for the extensive medical care the dogs need.   Some are "repeat foster homes" and have helped many dogs through the years.   I've done rescue for over 17 years, so you can imagine that a lot of money would have been spent during that time, helping these little ones get the care they often desperately need.   If you want to help us with their care, you can make a donation at our web site:   We are careful with our funds, and we also have to file many state forms, and IRS forms, so we are always accountable.   All our foster homes are awesome, and so loving.  We are grateful to each of them.  I'm so lucky to be a foster mom with Potomac Valley Pekingese Club.   I'm Clara and Minnie's foster mom-- and Applesauce, too!   What a blessing.  

1 comment:

  1. This is what makes your rescue so special.... no dog is refused.
    You ALL are just so wonderful !!!

    Now.... what sort of face cream does chi chi use?.... that girl is just so young looking Linda!!!! LOL
