Tuesday, June 16, 2020


I had to include my Chumley-- this is HIS TOY.  The only toy he will play with.  He loves to push it with his nose to fall down the steps, so that I CAN GET IT.  Or he pushes it under a piece of furniture, so I CAN GET IT.  Such fun.  
 Abbi loves her toy.  She was adopted at the same time as Piper-- one of ours.  They didn't expect a double adoption, but they are so glad it happened.
 Andrea's pup decided that the best toy was money-- not a good idea!  It ranks right up there with eating toilet paper!
 Anna's girl loved her pink toy.
 Of course, Applesauce thinks any small toy that squeaks is great.
 Archie is over a year old now-- and he loves his toys.   He came from a rescue out of state, but I became friends with his owner-- what a blessing.  I meet the best people in rescue!
 Boo Chi loves to play with his toy-- paws are great for holding it up.
 Charlie is ready to play!
 Chelsea doesn't want a toy.  That's okay.  Your teeth are so cute.
 Dozer doesn't want a toy either-- some dogs just aren't into them.
 Fiona isn't one of those dogs.
 Frankie, your octopus is as big as you are.
 Grizzly, it looks like you are collecting some.
 Gwinn with his kitty cone-- it's hard to see the toy, since it blends right in.
 Sweet Hannah loves golf balls.  They can BOUNCE.
 Jasper has his favorite bunny. 
 Karl's pup must be played out.
 Diamond loves her lambchop-- oh what a sweet face.
 Leo, what do you have there?
 Linda told me her dogs don't play with toys, so she's donated most of them.  That's okay-- her bed is awesome.
 Lola loves her tiger!  Little dogs and big toys.
 Louie has a favorite green one.  Yep, that's a frog.
 Lucy has her dragonfly.    Her mom got it the day she was adopted from us.  I still remember her message to me when she asked if she could adopt Lucy. 
 Marilyn's Peke has a ..... what is that?
 Marley has his -- I think it's a Frozen character?  Am I right?
 Oh, these are some exhausted pups. I love the completely relaxed pose they both have.  Moe and Frankie are worn out.
 Molly Mae has treats and toys.   And it's nap time.
 Monica just rescued Arnie-- I see he's going to be a spoiled boy.
 Monty looks like he tried to get into bed for a nap with his toy and didn't make it all the way.
 Sweet Moxie was a foster failure-- she's doing great in her home. 
 Nancy's Peke says, "Mommy is the best toy."
 LOL Oliver loves his paper towel ball.
 Ollie loves his donut-- at first I thought it was a hot dog.  LOL   A different food group!  Donuts are definitely better.
 Ollie has a blue bone.    It looks like a blue cigar.
 Philly and her lambchop are snoozing.  Both toy and dog are worn out.
 I'm seeing a theme-- tired dogs and toys.  Here's Pugsley.
 Reggie must be tired, too.  He's got his hedgehog
 Rope toys are a favorite of many dogs...Rocco loves his.   He's Moxie's doggy brother.
 Rocky has never liked toys his mom says, but  he loves blankets.  His favorite blanket has his name on it! ❤️
 Roux's favorite toy is his bowl!   He carries it all over.  So funny.
 Sammy (Abbi and Piper's brother) would rather just play with his dad's hand.  Little kisses are just fine.
 What do you have there Sunny?   He was adopted at one of our picnics.
 Susie is busy playing on the ottoman.
 Taylor has a turtle.  I've seen so many different toys!!
 What is that Tilt!?  Do you want his mask?
Virginia's pup has a rubber squeaky.  I think that's what it is. 

Bandit, Mai Mai and Megan all love little tennis balls.   
Wow, we had a lot of toy pictures!!  Thank you for sharing.   If I missed yours, just post below.  We love all the photos you post!!  

1 comment:

  1. Just wonderful pictures!!

    Sorry Linda.... have not done it.... the darn camera had a flat battery! Rrrrrrr
