Monday, August 24, 2020


I posted on Friday that Chumley had the beginning of HGE and many asked me what that was.
I included some links for those who want to know more. 
HGE is hemorrhagic gastro enteritis.  Chumley has had three serious cases of this, so I know right away when it's beginning.   
It shows up as blood in the poop-- liquidy poop.   It's not fun for them, because it means the lining of the digestive tract is inflamed and they need help.
One of the biggest problems with HGE is dehydration.   It can become critical VERY fast.   
Water is so important to keep them hydrated.    The first three times that Chumley had this, he was hospitalized-- three days the first time, two days the second, and overnight the third.  He had to be on IV fluids the entire time, along with medication.  I had IV fluids here and I learned how to use them with Clara (thank you, my sweet girl), so I immediately gave Chumley some sub-q fluids.   He was so good.    I had already taken a fecal sample to the vet and it showed that Chumley had an overgrowth of clostridium.  The meds would make a difference.  I also gave him probiotics.  He's already on a special diet, but I refined it even more. 
Thankfully, he rallied quickly.   I was ready to give him more sub-q fluids, but when I checked under his lip, it was moist, which told me he wasn't dehydrated.   He's now back to my normal, happy, barky boy.  He's still on meds for the rest of the week, but the crisis is past.  I'm so glad!  


  1. I am so glad little Chumley is getting better .... OMG , that is a shocking thing to have!!

  2. So glad to hear this. You have become an excellent animal doctor/nurse from your experiences as opposed to me. My first reaction is a knot in my stomach then whirling from room to room in my wheelchair while trying to get through to our vet and Hubs that __________ is sick.

    By the time I reach our vet and she does a phone consult with orders to bring in my little sicky or follow her orders for the day. With COVID-19 hanging on now, office visits are being kept for the sickest and a lot of things show improvement quickly.
