Monday, August 10, 2020


Harry was a beautiful boy. 
In 2012, he had been rehomed, but he didn't like the cat in his new home. 
His previous mom loved him, but knew her cat had been there a long time, so she carefully looked for a home for Harry.
Harry was a pistol that first year that Margie had him.
He gave his mom, Margie "a way to go." 
Margie didn't give up.   Harry wasn't a big snuggler, but he got hugs anyway.
He even gave his mom a few kisses.
Harry had been having memory issues for awhile.   It is so hard.
When he could no longer find his way back into the house from the yard, his mom knew it was time to talk to the vet to see if there was a way to help him. 
There was really nothing more they could do-- it was time.    We wish we could fix old, but we just can't.
Harry had a wonderful 8 years with his mom--- he joined his sister, Abby, and his dad. 
Run and find your sister and dad sweet boy.   💙


  1. What a beautiful boy Harry was .... just so handsome!
    He will be so missed .... the ones that are "pistols " always are as they have such "energy" in the home.

    Hugs to Harry's family.

  2. Harry was a handsome red Prince after testing his Momma for a long time. But finally he found security in her little happy family.

    Like many of these "pre-owned" babies, there's a history and many of them take time to decompress from their old lives. I know because I have three and each one had their own story that they tell in different ways. Some settle in quickly and quickly attach themselves to our family. The other two had different stories to tell and believe me, we have one who has tested his will against the few rules we have set up but daily we see in his eyes that he loves his home and his care. A paw on my leg or arm means he wants to be hugged or spend some lap time. Then there's our third baby and his life story was filled with mistreatment and neglect. We're still trying to make sure he feels safe now even if it has taken 5 years to get this far. Our vet calls him a PTSD survivor and that's what he is and I love him so much.

  3. Blessed be Harry. Have a glorious time in doggie heaven.
