Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Two years ago, Rascal was taken to a shelter by his owner after he snapped at a three year old. 
He looked like he had been taken care of, and he went to another home in N. Virginia. 
During his time in that home, he had no medical care. 
His hair grew out...
It was matted and tangled, and coming out in clumps.
His teeth were horrendous.   They all (or mostly all) need to be removed. 
Could we take him into rescue?  Life had not been fair to him.
He came to my house and was fearful.
But, something in his eyes said he wanted help.  I've seen crazy dogs in my 17 years of rescue-- but this was not one of them.
Since I could not handle him, I asked my vet on Sunday if someone could sedate him and shave him down.   (I love having a 24/7 vet.)
I LOVE my vet and they said to bring him over.   While he was sedated, they checked his ears and put in ear meds.    They bathed him for me.   I was so grateful.    (He was hungry after, but had trouble standing after sedation, but he was fine later.)
As a rescuer, I cannot do everything and I know it.   I know I have limitations. 
I was able to bathe and trim Zoey, and cut out mats, but Rascal was too much for me. 
He was nervous when he came back from the vet.  What happened to all that weight hanging off him.   He didn't know what it was like to be clean.  To have his nails trimmed.   To be cared about.
Yes, he's pretty naked.   
But, I still saw hope--
We went back to the vet yesterday to go over everything, and Zoey went, too.   I'm incredibly grateful to my vet who makes the time to see my new rescues.  She saw how desperate his mouth was, and she is ADDING him to her surgery schedule today to remove his teeth.   His bloodwork was good, so we can move forward.
He will decompress more at a friend's home.  She is so good with dogs who have been through a lot.   With my grandkids here, I need to let Rascal be in a calmer environment-- my house isn't called Camp Runamuck for nothing.   Zoey will stay here, and have her dental next week.  They are both getting the care they haven't received for many many years, if ever.   They deserved better and now they are getting it.   If you want to contribute to his dental, you can make a donation via our web site.  https://www.potomacpekes.org/donatenow.htm  Every bit goes to his care.  None goes to any of us who volunteer.   We love these little ones, and put our love into their care.   WELCOME TO RESCUE, RASCAL.  YOUR LIFE HAS CHANGED.  ❤️💛


  1. Just left a little something for Rascal's teeth.

  2. I'm so moved by Rascal's story here. He certainly deserves more love and care than he has received up until now. And he will get it now at Potomac.

    Linda is a Peke Whisperer and she sees what is underneath of the little ragged Pekes that reach for a lifeline with her.

    The Potomac rescuers, transporters and those of us that give a little help in one way or the other bring these forgotten ones into a world they may have never witnessed and there are ones whose owner loved them but could no longer care for them or have passed on from this earth.

    God bless Potomac and rescuers who care.

  3. Left something for Rascal as well
