Monday, August 17, 2020


You must think Zoey sleeps all the time-- I have to admit, she's so cute, I take a lot of pictures of her.  She is 11, so naps are great.
She has almost no teeth and today, she is having a dental and they will xray and check out her mouth.  It's so important to have regular dentals for your dogs.  Bad teeth can lead to heart issues, plus the pain of having bad teeth or infection in the mouth.  Bad teeth can also lead to infection which destroys or breaks the jaw.
Her lack of teeth means her tongue hangs out a lot.  I don't know why she is missing so many.  Some dogs lose teeth from years of eating and chewing on the wrong things. 
I read this article:  4 Treats That Can Harm Your Dog's Teeth | PetMD
We love to give our dogs treats, but some may not be good for them.
l. sweets (you share your ice cream, give a piece of cookie...)
2. ice (I know a lot of dogs love ice cubes)
3. bones, antlers, rawhide (how many of you give these-- I've been guilty)
4. hard plastic dental bones (wait!  You mean these might hurt the teeth and not help-- that's right)
What else?   We've seen fosters come into rescue who had been crated a lot.   Some dogs will begin chewing on the bars of the crate-- most of them metal.  Stress or boredom can cause this. What's it do to a dog's teeth?  It wears them down.  Sometimes, it wears them down to the point where there's not much left.
I'm not sure how Zoey's teeth/mouth got so bad, but we will do all we can to help her.  It doesn't effect her happy disposition though.    She prances and runs quickly if she's following me.   She is such a sweetheart!!   I'll let you know how she does! 💜


  1. Yum Yum has a bad habit of collecting rocks and chewing on them ! Rrrrr
    I have to chase him down to get them out of his mouth! Why he started it I do not know and today he was chewing on a Camellia tree seed... nice "rock size" ones- Rrrrr
    Chasing him has turned it into a "game" but you have to get them out of the mouth!!!
