Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Specially-abled dogs are just that.  
Zoey is special.  She has a weak back end, is deaf  and has little sight.   She’s a love bug.   She's here to stay!
Sandra wrote, "Our beloved Elizabeth is blind now. We adopted her even though she only had 1 eye 6-7 years ago."   Not being "perfect" wasn't an issue!!
Paddington is special-- we knew he had luxating patellas when we adopted him.  We have an appointment with a surgeon for a consult prior to surgery.   He's only five, but we knew as a foster dog that this would probably be needed.   He's a pistol, but he's our pistol. LOL
Luna, on the left, was turned into a shelter because of mobility issues.   Her foster/now adoptive mom worked with her and she can walk now!   Water therapy, carrying her up and down stairs, not giving up-- look at her now.
Bitty came to us blind.  We did all the tests to see if we could help his vision.  There was nothing we could do.    He was adopted by a wonderful young couple and now his foster parents have Butters, who has limited vision.   He is also medically challenged, but we know there is someone out there who will love him, too.  
Louie came to us as a puppy who had been in an accident.  His eyes were horrible and had to be removed.   Did that stop his moms from wanting him?  Nope!   He is absolutely adored.
Sandy was eight years old and adopted by her mom.   She looks so much like my Minnie.  Beautiful!  Blind dogs see with their hearts.  💜
Chi Chi is a permanent foster dog.   She came to us as an older girl with health issues, so she went into our forever foster group.   She is adored by Robin, her foster mom.
Suzy-Q had so much going on.   But, her mom was persistent in going to the shelter and letting them know she wanted to adopt this little one.  Suzy-Q  had a long life with Anna.  
Schmoo-- he came into rescue without a tail and missing part of his vertebrae.  For him, this meant he could not control his bowels.   He's had surgeries and has special meds.  His parents adopted him anyway and they are AMAZING.   Schmoo could not have a better life.   His mom said, "Schmoo's often either a couch potato or a bouncing boy. He's Clark Kent or "Schmooperman."  We love Schmoo!!
Daisy Mae-- she was a breeder dog and had a lot of needs that come with a dog in that situation.   Leashes are foreign and to be avoided.   She has come so far with Emily.  Emily has learned a lot about what these breeder dogs goes through.   Daisy is a lucky girl!
Mitzie was one of my foster dogs.  She is very sweet.  She was adopted by Amee even though she has limitations on her sight.    She is loved and has a forever home.   
Bernie cannot use his back legs, but does that bother his mom?
Not one bit!   He has his own wheels and enjoys walks with his mom.  
Jackson came to us after his owner took him to the vet to be euthanized.  He couldn't see much at all, and she could not afford to care for him.  The vet tech knew me and contacted me to see if rescue could help.  You bet!  He's been adopted and is a love bug.   
Many of you may have seen this picture.  Well, it's Boo.  Boo belongs to Annamarie and he is 19 years old!   Don't let blindness be a reason you don't adopt.   They are amazing in their ability to overcome and also to use their other senses.  Are you considering a special one?  Good for you!    They are worth it! 

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