Thursday, September 16, 2021


Trio came into rescue in 2009.  
She was a young Peke and so sweet.  
She was adopted and became best friends w Arbie.  
They were so good together. 
Napping with a best friend was such fun. 
Anything they did together was better because they each had a friend. 
Trio lost Arnie in 2014 and later, another sweet puppy joined the family.
Trio lived a long and joyful life. Like others, old age took her sight, and she slept a lot.  We wish we could fix old, but all we can do is cherish them when it's time to say good bye.  
Run free, sweet Trio.  



  1. What a sweet one Trio was and I know she will be so missed.

  2. Right now we are sitting at the very spot with our much loved Queen Willow. She's 12 years old and in the space of 8 days she's had some sort of seizure 3 times. The vet sees nothing that she can directly attribute to the pattern the seizures have taken.

    She suddenly screams, falls to the right and we rush to her and she wants in my lap so I hold her and stroke her and she is breathing heavily for about 15 to 20 minutes the I put her down she takes a nap and wakes up to play with her toys and climbs up with her Daddy-person for some kisses.

    We have been instructed by our vet to make notes of any future occurrences so there's something the vet can work with. So far it's Willow's age and that strikes fear in my heart. We've noticed that she sleeps a lot, she loves and eats her meals then ready for a snack from our meals which we restrict for all three of our Fur Kids.

    I don't ask for a lot in this life other than not to have another fall. I spend my waking hours in my wheelchair and sleeping time in a hospital bed. I have a great husband with his own health issues that has pushed him into early retirement but we get by and other than wishing to win the lottery so we can get a handicamp van, there's not a whole lot more other than my Pekingese children have a happy safe home and long lives. That's not a whole lot to ask for and I could get by without the lottery win and even that van is not a real requirement, just a wish,
