Saturday, October 23, 2021


Kenobi is moving more.   Exercise is good to loosen his joints.  So we wander. 
He saw a little path and decided to explore.  
He got stuck.  “Help me!”    My yard is sloped so he loses his balance.  The front yard is flat, so that’s better for him. 
He decided he wanted company and he barked.  Since he has a cough, he can’t be with the rest.  But, he is realizing there are people and activities and he barked to let me know he wanted OUT.  Sugar Bit went in to have a tea party with him. 
Here’s your cup!  
Sugar Bit has been raised with my foster dogs and she has such a compassionate spirit.   She loves each one.  
She rubbed his head and put a blanket on him.  Snuggle up and stay warm Kenobi. 💙


  1. Afternoon Tea with Sugar Bit and Kenobi .... did they have scones and cream too??? lol

  2. ar little Sugar Bit, so kind, compassionate and loving. I love Kenobi.
