Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Chien Chien was adopted from us many years ago.  She lived a long and wonderful life with his mom.  
After Chien Chien passed away, there was a huge hole in her mom's heart-- was it big enough for two?  
Truffles, 9,  and Lily, 5, were mom/daughter and very bonded.   
Elizabeth let them visit to see if she could handle two dogs since she had always had just one.
After two days, there was love all around.  
Both of these sweet dogs came from someone who needed to find them a home.  
The girls had been well cared for, and were happy.
Chien Chien had died in January, and their mom loved her so much-- and these two needed a new place with love-- a perfect match.  
I'm not sure which one is Truffles or which one is Lily-- but oh, they are both adorable.
 And they are home with a Peke lover.  So much love fills their life.  💜💗

1 comment:

  1. So glad they were adopted together and aren't they just beautiful !!!
