Monday, November 15, 2021


Tuk Tuk is 9 months old now!  
He is quite an adventurer.  He can jump on the couch, or table, fly across your lap, step in your coffee and keep going before you know it.
He finds things to chew.
He finds things to grab, and shred.  Boxes are his favorite.
He loves to hide out in boxes, or under tables.  Back packs work, too.   
Sitting on top of the couch is easy-- one jump and there he is.
But, sometimes, he isn't as bright as he usually is.  This door has always opened this way.
But, he seemed confused.  Staring at it won't help Tuk Tuk.  It only opens one way.
Mom closed it some, thinking it would help.  It didn't.
He laid there and stared at it.  I guess he didn't really want to go outside.    He's just a silly boy.
It's okay.  He's going to help with the dishes.  Maybe the door will open the other way when he goes back to it.  😅


  1. Tuk Tuk and Yum Yum would make a Terrible Two !!

    Both are so naughty.... must be black or like I love to say "Midnight" Peke's ! lol

    * they do say black Pugs are naughty and so are Apricot Poodles! Mmmm ???

  2. Seeing Tuk Tuk reminds me of our much loved Patches and Cupcake in their puppy stage. Once they got into my shredded paper supplies and redecorated my office, the hallway and the living room. It looked like there was an explosion in the house.

    Puppies remind me of things I should be thankful for.

  3. He makes me smile! Love these updates!!!
