Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Fluffy is a senior girl who ended up in a Maryland shelter.    
It was a few weeks before Christmas, and she was in critical shape.  
She was immediately vetted to see what she needed.  She has growths on her body -- 
we put a "star" over.   
She is tiny and thin, at only 11 pounds.   She had not been taken care of for a long time.  
You can see a little of her skin in this one, but in spite of it, she is so sweet.   
She just wants to be loved.  
Bandit loves to help his mom take care of Fluffy.   He wants to check on her and make sure she is okay.  
He wants Fluffy to feel safe.  
Her foster mom, Betsy, is giving her a lot of love.   She was bathed several times when she got her, washing away years of dirt.  Mats were cut off.    
Picking up a shelter dog is not for the faint of heart.  You have to be ready for anything.  But, our volunteers and foster parents are the best.   Betsy is one of them.  
We are waiting for an appointment with a specialist to do biopsies of her skin. 
While we wait, Fluffy is being held, and cuddled, and fed the best.
She has sweaters to keep her warm....
and a warm bed to keep her comfortable.  
Thank you to all of you who help us with these little ones who need so much care.   Fluffy says thank you, too.  

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