Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Tuk Tuk lives in Williamsburg, VA. He thought the snow was awesome. 
There wasn’t much. But, he raced around like a banchee. 
Is there more??
The northern part of Virginia got more. 

It was stunning to see pictures of. 
Olive (adopted from us in 2009) loved watching it.  
  Taz said “it was glorious day in the neighborhood for a morning stroll!”  Bring on more!
There was a path in the yard to help.  
Faolan was quick to come inside. He’s Taz’ “cousin,” 
Bogie, in Richmond, said, “what is this stuff!?”   He was not a fan. 

 Lonni in Chicago was ready to check it out. We got snow flurries here in Virginia Beach but that’s it.  It didn’t stay. The kids here were ready for a snow day!   Oh well.  I’m sure more will come another day. ❄️❄️

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