Saturday, March 12, 2022


Gypsy came into rescue last March, 2021.  
The pandemic didn't change that animals still needed help.  
And Gypsy needed a lot of help.
Last year, Gypsy was found wandering near/on the railroad tracks in the western part of Virginia.   
His eye was ruptured, his ears were closed with infection.  There was a growth in his mouth.  He wasn't neutered.   He was dirty and in really rough shape all over.  
Medical care began immediately.    
Gypsy's heart is very enlarged.  Heart meds were begun.   
He had surgery to remove his eye, remove the mouth growth and do a dental.  
He found a great place to rest.  
We were concerned about Gypsy's chance of living very long, but he has continued to persevere.  
He loves his foster home where he gets so much attention.
We keep very medical dogs in our care- and in reality, it would be hard to find them homes.   Many don't have the ability to care for dogs who are as serious as some that we get.  And many don't have the money to do it.   We will keep these dogs in our care until they are better or until it's time to say good-bye.  
Gypsy isn't ready to say good-bye.   He amazes us with his tenacity and love for life.   Thank you to everyone who helps us so that we can do this for the dogs who need us so much.  


1 comment:

  1. Gypsy is one very determined dog and that is just wonderful..... with a lot of help and his courage the old boy just keeps going !!!

    Yeah for Gypsy and Bravo for the rescue's work! Sure pays off :)
