Friday, March 11, 2022


Zoey came into rescue in August of 2020.   
Her owner had died.  And the "dad" took all three dogs to the shelter.   That could make me mad or sad, but it was the best for all three.  A hound went back to his rescue, and Rascal and Zoey came to us.   Rascal and Zoey had the medical care they desperately needed.   Rascal lost so many teeth, and was sedated some when we got him to be dematted.   Zoey was in rough shape-- but she had a dental, and lost the few teeth she had.  She has no lower jaw anymore (infection dissolved it).   But, she eats like a champ!
Zoey is deaf and has only one eye, and barely sees.   She has seen the ophthalmologist and we've done all we can to save her small bit of sight. It doesn't get in her way as she dances and prances to follow me.   
She even had surgery to remove a suspected melanoma from her eye.   It wasn't one, but since Zoey came from a home of heavy smokers, I wouldn't have been surprised.  
We do routine blood work on all our rescues, and Zoey had several-- and they showed something.
She had a super high white count and a high lymphocyte count.   Normal white and Lymphocyte counts are 1000 to 5000.   Zoey's current counts are:  white count 39,000, Lymphocyte count is 32,000.  Really high.  
We couldn't feel any lumps where her lymph glands are.   We kept checking.  
Zoey has come so far in rescue.  When she came, her back end has almost no hair on it.  Her tail was a tiny thing.  She had trouble walking.  But, good food made her coat get thick and fluffy and beautiful.   She thrived.   So, we were surprised at her blood counts.  
A test was done and it showed that Zoey has Chronic Lymphocitic Leukemia-- CLL.   It's bone cancer.  
Of all the cancers a dog can get, this is the "best" one.  It's slow growing and painless.  
If we didn't do the routine bloodwork, I wouldn't know Zoey was sick.   She is eating, loving, active (for a 14 year old).  She has a little attitude if a pillow touches her or my grandson tries to get a kiss.  LOL   
Zoey is doing well.   She loves her meals.  She has a good weight.  When she stops eating as well, or begins losing weight, that will show the cancer is progressing.    But, not for now.
Zoey is my girl.  She sleeps next to me at night.  She has no intention of leaving anytime soon.  💜


1 comment:

  1. Poor little Zoey but ..... she is in the right place now - right next to Linda!
