Friday, March 18, 2022


 Granger came into rescue in 2016.  

He’s about 8 now.  
Here he was before we got him   He wasn’t healthy, he wasn’t the happy boy we came to know   (He’s my granddog now.)
When he joined my daughters family as a foster dog, I knew he would never leave. 
He was so cute as he made himself at home. 

Granger has been having heart issues.   He has a murmur so he went to the vet to be checked out.  He can only take very short walks.  
He was so stressed at the vet that they couldn’t do an EEG on him.   He’s just a homebody.  
They were able to do an X-ray and his heart isn’t really enlarged and there’s no fluid.  That’s good.  He may go see a cardiologist.  The vet is reviewing the tests from yesterday and will contact my daughter. 

Granger was so ready to go home.  But, near the pedals didn’t work.  He had to move. 
Tuk Tuk wondered where he was.  He missed his brother!  
He was SO EXCITED when Granger came home. 
Tuk Tuk could now rest.  All was right in his world.  His Granger was home. ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Crossing fingers and paws for Granger.... so many wonderful heart drugs for dogs these days so lets hope they find just the right fit for Granger! Big kisses for him.

    Linda..... you may find me missing because the council are digging up our paths- walkways I think you say.... anyway a big old digger dug up a bit of the concrete path in front of our house and it went through the computer cable!!! OMG !! Happened today.

    The NBN - the national data network here in Australia said it will be 2 weeks to fix it !!!
    So my hubby Steve went out and connected it !
    Steve is a old computer guy and he has fixed it but its open to the air / rain etc so will have to put a air-tight bag over the connection he just did.
    So far its working!!! See.... us "oldies" know STUFF !!! lol
    So crossing those same fingers and paws - we will be on-line. If not - you know what has happened!

    Hello to you all at Must Love Pekes and send us some Computer connection prayers! lol
