Wednesday, April 6, 2022


This is Granger at the end of a long day.  He was tired.  
He saw his regular vet a few weeks ago and my daughter scheduled an appointment w the cardiologist. 
Our “little box boy” has a grade 6 heart murmur.  
Tuk Tuk wondered where his brother was all day.  
Granger was a good boy in the waiting room. 
There were other Pekingese there. 
But, during the procedure he was a wild child.  In fact, he was named the loudest patient of the day. 😩.  No trophy, no prize— just a notation in his file that says he WILL BE LOUD during tests.  Not good for his heart- so you need to behave Granger. 
Post EKG shenanigans of twisting his leash around the chair.  
He fell asleep on the way home.  He has a grade 6 heart murmur and will be on two medications.  We love Granger and want him here for a long time.  So does Gigi his lab sister and Tuk Tuk, his wild child brother.  And his whole family.  So, they will all take good care of him.  
We love Granger. ❤️


1 comment:

  1. Oh dear Granger... you take your medicines and be a good boy!
