Tuesday, April 5, 2022


Zoey always sleeps in our bed.   She can hog the middle and snore into my husband's ear.  
It's a cute little snore!   But, we decided that maybe she would be better on the floor.   
So, I set up a safe area for her, by my closet.  A dresser is there and it has magazines under it.   I had a playpen blocking the front-- she would be safe.  Right?
She meandered a bit.  Walked into my closet.  Back out.   
So, I turned the light off thinking she would settle down.  
Did she?  I thought so.  But, then a little later, close to midnight, I heard a noise.  NO.   She couldn't be escaping.  I thought she was safely secured.   She was under the dresser.  Then, I heard another noise-- under the bed.  That little stinker.  She can't hear, she can barely see, but she had found an escape route.  
I heard her walking across the floor under the head of the bed, and then heard a noise on the other side.  She was out and headed to the bedroom door, which is next to the stairs!   I leaped out of bed and got her, and put her next to me.  So much for sleeping on the floor.  She is back beside me.  Where she will stay.  💜


  1. Who would think Zoey could be an escape artist!!

    Well.... one thing I know - Pekingese are VERY determined!!! lol

  2. What a cute story about your precious little baby girl! Mine sleeps with me, too!
