Wednesday, May 4, 2022


Tuk Tuk saw the vet for his regular check up.   Look at that sweet face. 
He has gained weight.  Then he received some vaccines.   

He was fine at first. 

Then he began to react.  He gums turned white and he began throwing up everywhere. 
The vet went into action.  He was given benedryl and cerenia.  He also received steroids. He came out of it.  But, from now on he will get one vaccine at a time and with a benedryl before each vaccine.  The vaccines will be spaced out.  The vet is also checking to see if other dogs have reacted to the vaccine batches.   He did not react to vaccines when he was in rescue last year- so there could be a problem with the batch.  We don’t know what vaccine he reacted to. 
He drank a lot of water last night but is doing better.  If your pet has any vaccine reaction after you leave the vet, get your pet back for care.  Tuk Tuk is better but it gave us all a scare. We all love our boy.  (He’s my granddog.). 

1 comment:

  1. Oh that scared me too!
    Poor Tuk Tuk ..... so glad he is better!
    I wonder if it was the batch?
