Sunday, May 7, 2023


 Much love in memory of exquisite Zoey… 

Zoey came to me in September of 2020.   Her owner mom had died and all the family dogs were taken to a shelter.  
Much of her hair was missing, there was no fluff.  
She had only a few teeth and they came out.   She had no bottom jaw but she ate kibble w soft food on top.  Nothing stopped her. 
She was deaf.   She loved being on my shoulder. 
She had one spot of blurry sight in her one eye.  
But, she would run and dance after me as long as I was close. 
Her favorite place was on my lap.  
She had a special blanket. 
When Holly was with us, they walked together.  Two little pink beauties. 
Zoey saw Santa and was loved!  
She loved to hang out on the couch and nap.  If she wanted down, she let me know. 
Zoey was with me through three autumns, three winters, two summers and two springs.  
She had a wardrobe to keep her warm.  
Minnie was her friend for over a year. 
Zoey was my full time special girl.  I watched her closely in the yard.   I always knew where she was in the house.  
At night, she slept by my pillow.  
She was beautiful in and out. 
She and Gidget even went to Home Depot with me.  What a hit we were. 
She was diagnosed with bone cancer over a year and a half ago.  But, she kept going forward.   We did bloodwork every four months.  Her white count was high but not climbing rapidly until last week.   She collapsed and I rushed her to the vet.   She was done.   I held her close as she said good bye to her favorite kids.   Her life was all encompassing for me and now there are empty places.  I call her name without thinking- I’ll see Piper (who is light in color) and momentarily think it’s her.   
Zoey Pom Pom (Beach Bit’s nickname for her) was greatly loved.   She was part of the fiber of my day.   What a blessing she was.   I will remember the happy times we had.  That will honor her the most.  I’m so grateful for the time we had. 
As my friend Maryanne said, “Dance now, with eyes that see  and ears that hear and bones that are solid and strong.  Dance dear Zoey and wait for your loving Mom at the Rainbow Bridge.”   Keep dancing, my precious girl.  I will always love you. 💖

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