Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Callie is our Treeing Walker Coonhound.  She was rescued from a shelter about 7 years ago. 
She thinks she's a Pekingese. 
She was heartworm positive then, and went through treatment.   
Callie is older now-- 13 or more.  She is very gray, and sleeps a lot.   
But, she's still so excited when a new foster Pekingese comes.  She gets down and raises her back end in the air and wants to play.  She loves each and every one of them.  
Callie began drinking a lot of water and she was peeing a lot.   So, we did all the labs-- senior blood work and urinalysis. I hoped they would all come back fine.  They didn't.  So, we ran more tests, and those didn't come back fine.  So, we did another test.  We are waiting for the results.  
Callie is going into kidney failure.   I've had other dogs with that (Max and Kai Kai) so I know what's coming.   We are starting her on the KD formula, and will stay on top of lab rechecks.    For now, she's still watching over the Pekingese and they are her best friends-- every single one of them.  
She's our big girl-- and we love her and will do what she needs.   For now, she's still playing and happy.  We hope for many more months of that!    After all, she's part of our Pekingese family.  💗

1 comment:

  1. So sad to hear about Callie Linda.
    You love her so!
    Plus.....she is a "large Pekingese" so we must make sure she is feeling the best she can.
    Sending big Peke kisses to her!
