Thursday, March 7, 2024


Tuesday was nice after a rainy Monday.  
Tuesday was a day for wandering outside, even though it was a little wet.   At least, it was only wet on the ground, not in the sky.   Piper, Cinnamon and Paddington were having fun sniffing around.  
But, yesterday morning, we woke up to RAIN.   The dogs-- all four-- thought it was just fine to stay on the couch.   
I went on the porch to see the pouring, loud rain.   
Our home is on a slope, and the water was rushing downward.
Colby (of the Bristol 18) thought he should stay inside, too.  
Who wants to go outside and swim? 
Sable, with her foster sisters, wanted to stay inside, too.   JinJie was peeking around the corner.  
Here was her back yard-- water paths, instead of dirt paths.   Do you see any dry areas?  
Piper and Paddington had a vet appointment and as I looked outside, I thought, "Oh, we are going to get wet."  But, it slowed up a little and we were able to get in without getting soaked. 
Cinnamon went along for the ride.   (I'm trying to help lessen her fears by showing her she's safe.   She shook for awhile, but then calmed down and even briefly sniffed the vet bore coming back to me.  It was a successful visit.)   After, it was just dark and dreary, but drier.   What will the weather today be?    

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow..... you have had rain!!!

    Please send some to me ..... our garden is dry as dry !!! lol
