Friday, March 8, 2024


Cinnamon Cookie came into rescue in December.   
She was turned into a shelter in the western part of Virginia with four other Pekes.  They were all adopted quickly, but somehow she was found on Craig's list a few days later.   We were contacted and she came to me quickly.  
I noticed she didn't seem to see well, so we went to the ophthalmologist  (She's becoming part of the pack, helping guard the door.)   
She could see some, mostly shapes and light.   She still could get around.   (Begging as a group.)
Cinnamon definitely found comfort is the other dogs here.  
Paddington was her favorite.  
Callie was also easy to see because, well, she's bigger.  
Piper helped her, too, so she could navigate. 
Yes, she followed them in the yard, too.  She learned the layout of the yard and house and would sometimes venture around on her own.  
And all the dogs let her be part of them-- even PADDINGTON!  Wow.  
I noticed that she wasn't seeing as well.  She would stare off and I called her and she would come toward my voice.
We went back to the ophthalmologist yesterday.   Again, they fit us in the same day.  (Rescue people visit specialists a lot and they really go beyond to help us. Thank you Animal Eye Care in Chesapeake, VA.)
Cinnamon's vision, especially her right eye, is worse.   She had so much scarring from untreated eye injuries and surgery didn't look like an option to help.   But, the top eye surgeon there is going to review her case, and if they think her right eye can be helped, they will do a few more tests and then make a final decision.   Blind dogs do amazingly well.   Cinnamon, in the house, still plays with toys.  She knows where the toy box is, where the water is, where the beds are.  She has enough vision to do that. 
  Her eyes will continue to get worse, but she'll be fine.   She's doing better on letting Matt touch her.   She still shakes a lot if she is in an unfamiliar place (like the vet),  but she's safe and loved.  Whatever the decisions are for her eyes, we will move forward.   She's worth it.    
                                                                WE ARE RESCUE.  



  1. Thank you Linda, and so are You! :)

  2. I am doing a little prayer for Cinnamon that the eye doctor can give her some sight .... even just a little would be nice .
    Miss Cinnamon is so pretty and she has a lovely personality I see.
