Monday, May 6, 2024


Ember was in a shelter in January.  She had been abandoned in an apartment by her owners.   She was in rough shape and terrified.  
A wonderful previous adopter fostered her and got her through a lot of medical care.  Emmie began to trust some as she healed.  Her mouth had a mass removed when she had a dental.  She had many teeth removed.  She had meds for a respiratory infection.  
Someone wanted her. 💓 Something about Emmie was drawing them to her. Off she went to her new home.  

Emmie was still dealing w trust and anxiety.  They weren’t giving up.  We stayed in contact often.   We want the best fit for Peke and adopter.  
Emmie began to feel safer.  She can be a little temperamental.  Her new mom said, “We have her on a good routine and have fallen in love with her crusty, grumpy personality. We are officially welcoming her to our family to be loved and cared for."
Emmie is now in a safe and caring place for the rest of her life.   She has a brother Piper, also adopted from us. Emmie deserved her new home, especially after all she went through.  I'm so happy for her!! 💗

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for her too Linda!
    In time she will be the boss of that household! lol
