Friday, May 2, 2014


 We had company the other night.
 Simon came to visit!
 Oh, my, he and Rammi Ju looked like the Bobsey Twins (okay, I'm dating myself- have YOU heard of the Bobsey Twins?).
 Koko and Simon were checking out the yard.
 They were all roaming around together.  A new dog is always an adventure here!
 Rammi was saying, "Come on!  Let's play!'
 Kai Kai  joined in to meet Simon.   Simon was busy checking out a toy.
 And then inside....Let's all see the new guy!   How many Pekes can we get into one space?
 Tiffany is SO good with dogs!  They all had to greet her, too.  Sitting on the floor is always a way to invite Pekingese company!
 Rammi got into her lap first and wasn't giving up his spot.    Scooter was trying to give Tiffany a kiss.
 Simon was wondering who was in his foster mom's lap.   Rammi was fine with that-- not an alpha bone in his body.
 Koko came over to see if she could fit.
 Rammi was settled in for the duration though-- he even rolled over and gave Tiffany kisses.
Rammi, do you want to let Simon in the picture?  This blog is supposed to be about him. :-)

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like Pekingese Jealousy! LOL

    I really love that "Adopt Me" jacket! Very clever!!!
