Monday, August 15, 2016


Gatsby came to us in June.    He was a stray in Maryland and he had a huge tumor growth on his left back leg.    How he walked on it was amazing.
Even with all he was going through, he had the sweetest temperament.
He became fast buddies with Sassy Marie and Lucy Lu.
Like I have said before, some dogs stay with us a long time, and we thought Gatsby would be one of them.   Not!
We had an application and we did our required "checks" and then he went on a home visit.   The lady who applied said she was on pins and needles, hoping she would be approved to be his new mommy.
Jeanne said if the home wasn't "heaven," he wouldn't stay.   Well, look at him now!  I guess it WAS heaven!
He has a new sister Pug, named Maggie.   They both will sleep on the king-sized bed!!  (Their mom and dad get to sleep there, too.)
 They renamed him Triple.   On his mom's facebook page, she had posted, "Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet."  But, it's been changed-- now it reads, "Our perfect companions never have fewer than three feet."  I love it!
Gatsby/Triple has stolen their hearts, just like he stole ours!
He is eating well and doing great.
My heart is just smiling!!   Thank you, Tara, for adopting our sweet boy!


  1. Oooo .... I see the pug is sleeping on the pillow!! Alpha Dog there! LOL

    Gatsby ..... stay cool ... Pugs come around and love ya heaps!!! Wink!!

  2. I'm overjoyed and so happy. Reading this gave me goosebumps :-) I'm so happy for Gatsby and his family. Looks like that little man hit the jackpot in more ways than one. Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you do for these little creatures who otherwise would be doomed to a lonely and miserable existence. Bless you for all you do!!!!
