Tuesday, June 11, 2019


 Fushi came into rescue with her best friend, Ming.
 Look at that sweet face!!
 Poochie is there, too.  He is 14 1/2 (his birthday is in December) and he has settled in well with Lisa and her crew.
 Lisa loves Great Pyrenees and Pekingese-- this is her Gus.  I just want to kiss that face. 
 Goofy Paisley is adorable!!
 And Miss Perdita is so lovely.
 Poochie came into this loving home when his owners abandoned him at a shelter.   He still has love to give.
 Lisa's Mr. Darcey is an older one-- but oh, so handsome.
 When Fushi and Ming, both 9 years old, needed help, Lisa was the first to say "bring them on!"
 Their owner passed away and they still have many years to live and love.
 If you need a place to be, Lisa's is the one. 
 Fushi is so adorable.  They were so afraid at first, especially Fushi.
 Ming was a little braver, but losing their owner was hard and then to be abandoned far away, and alone was awful.   (see their first blog:  Must Love Pekes: MING AND FUSHI)
 They are safe now, relaxing, and looking for their forever home together.
If you think you would like Poochie, or Ming and Fushi, just fill out an application:  Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Online Application adopt

1 comment:

  1. Now that is some gang!

    OMG .... Fushi and her eyebrows - she would give all the Kardashian girls a run for their money in the brow department!
