Monday, July 15, 2019


Mr. Petey came into rescue several months ago.   Georgia had him in N. Va. and gave him stroller rides.
He had very bad front legs and a badly curved spine.   We thought that a cart would help him.   But, we found that putting him in a cart actually made things worse-- we tried to straighten a spine that could not be straightened and it caused him pain.
He could just charm you with a glance.
He was at my house for over 3 weeks and he amazed me with his ability to overcome his issues.  He tried so hard.
We could tell he had pain, though.   Most of the time, he just wanted to rest.
He must have lived outside since he wasn't house trained.  He may have lived with other dogs who attacked him and caused his brokenness.   We just don't know.
He was curious.
At my house, I kept thinking, "Can't we help his legs?"   
We had all kinds of xrays done.  It showed tremendous damage that had to be more than "born with it."   His spine was also curved which must have happened over time as he tried to compensate. 
 Georgia had him and I had him-- we both grew so attached to him. 
 He did fine in the car during transport and the many vet visits.
 I used a thunder shirt to try to give his back stability.
 In spite of all we did, his pain got worse. 
 He was a much loved member of our foster family-- and one thing we know.  We will not let a foster dog suffer if we cannot help that pain.  Mr. Petey was becoming increasingly in more discomfort and more pain.   We did not share this because we kept hoping we could make him better.   More vet visits, more consults, more meds.   It wasn't helping.
Mr. Petey had so much love during the time we had him-- but he we had to accept that we were at the end of his journey.  No surgery would help his legs.  Some people suggested amputation-- but he could not use a cart/wheelchair because of his spine, so this wasn't an option.   I know there are some people who think there is more that we could have done, but as Georgia and I talked and cunsulted with the vets, we had to finally come to the decision that we could not do more.   It would have been so selfish of us.   We could not take away the pain, we could not fix his legs, we could not fix his back.   This is the hardest decision a rescuer can make-- to gently let them go.   Please don't criticize us for this.  It was a heartbreaking place to be in.  Especially when we had so many dreams for him.
Mr. Petey-- you were greatly loved by Georgia, by me, and by so many who only knew you through facebook.   I'm sorry.  We could feel like we failed you-- but in reality, we loved you more than you had ever been loved and we chose to set you free.  So, run with abandon now.  Run with no pain, and know you left an impression on us that we will never forget.   Farewell, our sweet boy.   We loved you.  💙

We Are Rescue
Until you have held a tiny puppy in your arms as it kissed your face with slobbery puppy breath and felt the love, Until you have held an injured or severely ill dog in your arms and felt their pain
Until you have looked into the eyes of a tired aging senior dog and felt their wisdom, And until you have seen and understood the look in your dogs eyes that tell you their time on earth with you is over .... and you humanely let them go,
You will never understand the life of a rescuer.
We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces. It is our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat and find the true soul that lies within.
We are Rescue
Author Unknown


LadyJicky said...

It was the best and the kindest thing to do but ..... oh so Very Hard.

Mr Petey knew love and the feeling of being safe with you all at Rescue.

Run around the Rainbow Bridge Petey and with no pain. XXX

Pekiegirl said...

So sad to hear this. He was quite the character. I feel your pain in having to let him go. It’s never an easy decision.

Unknown said...

I read this with tears in my eyes. 9 years ago I rescued a beautiful little Peke from a puppy mill. She was 3 years old. Her eyes were in awful shape. My vet treated her all these years and her eyes seemed to improve. Then several months she went blind. I took her to a specialist and she was diagnosed with eye cancer. She had surgery and the cancer was still there. She was in pain so I had to let her go. My heart is broken.

Lost Earring said...

Mr. Petey had a bad life previously as we read Linda's day to day reports about his progress. Sadly his rescue came late into his life but he packed a lot of living into the short period he was with us.

While he was here he stole so many hearts, mine for sure and just seeing his photo brightened my days.

So now we say goodbye to Mr. Petey as we had to do for Joyful Grace, BeeBee and Lady Nala plus many more not specified by name here.

Every time we say goodbye to one of the rescues it hurts our hearts and we know that there will be another and yet another Peke needing rescue and Linda and her rescue group will line up and do what needs to be done and we will reach into our wallets and purses to add whatever we can give to help with the staggering amounts needed for medical help because we are privileged to meet these babies through Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue.

And we are richer for the experiences.

zapper said...

There is no greater internal pain than "what if". What if I had tried this, what if I missed something. We can only do what is in our power to do. Ultimately, there comes a time when you have to say this is the path I will take.

Pain is the one thing we who care don't want our dogs to constantly have. I feel great sadness for you having to make that decision, but I know it was the correct one.

Unknown said...

Tears for you and Georgia, but smiles for Mr Petey. He knew he was loved. Thank you both for giving so much.

Michelle said...

Oh sweet Pete 💔 I am so sad that you have gone to the beautiful bridge, sad that you did not know this kind of true puppy love for longer. But I am touched to tears that you knew true love and that your pure preciousness touched so many hearts. RIP Precious Pete.

Michelle said...

Oh sweet Pete 💔 I am so sad that you have gone to the beautiful bridge, sad that you did not know this kind of true puppy love for longer. But I am touched to tears that you knew true love and that your pure preciousness touched so many hearts. RIP Precious Pete.

Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace Sweet Petey! You were so loved.....❤️

MaFia@4YPK said...

PLease never feel like you have failed him or any rescues. The short amount of time he had with you and the rest of the fosters, were priceless. Remember, it's not the the length of time he lived, but how he lived before he went over the rainbow bridge. Thank you for doing "RESCUES". It's not an easy position, but you did all you can and then some! I'm grateful for people like you in this world. My deepest condolences.