Tuesday, June 30, 2020


 Six years ago, I saw this picture.   I could NOT get it out of my mind. 
 The eyes looked right into me.   SO..... we took him into rescue. 
 And he did so well. 
 He went from this shelter picture...
 To this, once he was in his foster home.    He was transformed.
 He sniffed the grass.
 He ran and played and was a loved boy.   He needed to lose weight and he did.   He was roly-poly. 
And he was adopted and has had the best six years!   Can you see how much he loves his mom.  
 He and his mom and dad have gone on an adventure.
 Off to the country and having fun.  Social distancing at its best.
 And the views!
 We thought Tucker was about 8 when we got him.  If that's right (and we're not sure), he's about 14 now.   He doesn't look it though. 
His mom gives him rides so he won't get too tired.
Tucker went from unwanted to truly loved.  What a precious boy.  ❤️

Monday, June 29, 2020


We were asked to take Matilda into rescue two years ago in July. 
She was about 8-10 years old-- and she was blind.   But, oh, so cute!
She was absolutely a sweetheart though.   We had to see if we could help her. 
And we did!   She had cataracts, but the ophthalmologist thought she could be helped with surgery.  So many of you donated to her care and we were able to help her to see. 
Her foster parents couldn't let her go and they adopted her.  The first time she looked out and SAW was a miracle!   People, lakes, animals-- she let them know SHE WAS THERE now!
She has lots of adventures, so naps are essential.
She loves her parents kids and grandkids. 
She loves to go for walks...
And she visits with her mom's daughter's dog, Zeke! 
They enjoy just hanging out together.  Zeke was a rescue, too. 
Matilda still has eye drops and visits the ophthalmologist occasionally.  But, surgery changed her life.  Thank you to all of you who help our rescue perform these miracles of love.  💜

Sunday, June 28, 2020


 Some days, you need to step back and reflect and not do much and count blessings. 
 I lost a friend-- suddenly.   (It wasnt COVID). It hit me hard, so I have had to allow myself to look at life, see the blessings.   I've remembered funny stories and had memory time of decades ago.
 There is always hope, and love, even in loss.
 Maybe I'll take a trip on my computer.  I need to see beauty.  The dogs can even come along if it's a virtual trip.
 I can visit my daughter.   (This is one of her horses.)   I can be quiet.
 I can see Granger and take Clara and relax. 
I can even go to the beach on the bay-- the one I go to isn't public, so it's safer, not as many people, quieter.   Thank you for letting me take a day/blog to just reflect and be quiet.  We all need to do that sometimes.

Saturday, June 27, 2020


 I feel like I’m being watched.  A lot!
 They are always “Peking” at me.
 Minnie was watching me from the porch as I walked Clara. She was out w us but decided to go get in front of the fan.
 Callie keeps an eye on me.
 Come on in, Callie.
 Really Callie.  You CAN come inside. Lol.  She loves being outside or on the porch.   Before she was adopted, she lived outside.  She now can be in or out, she has beds everywhere.
 Minnie gave up on watching me and found her soft bed.
Piper watches me a lot.  I love this older picture of him. He’s such a good sport and happy and protective and loving.   Do your dogs watch you?  

Friday, June 26, 2020


 Flat faced dogs like Kacey are very prone to heat. 
 Mattie's mom keeps her safe.  It can get really hot when they travel to Florida.
I've seen this posted on several sites, so I thought I would share with you.  I don't know who wrote it, but if I find out, I will put the writer's name.  
"Please share this post, it explains why hot days can be fatal to dogs!
When you read or hear about the bulldog-type, short-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds having more trouble with the heat, you may wonder why. On a good day, with moderate temperatures, they have a much more difficult time moving air to their lungs because of their anatomy.
This picture shows the back of the mouth of a long-nosed dog on the left (a collie-retriever cross) and a short-nosed dog on the right (a pug). You can see that this area is compressed and limited in the pug. Pugs, Bulldogs (all types), Bostons, Boxers, Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos, Pekingese, etc. all have this anatomy. The space is even more limited when they are overweight or obese.
When it is hot, dogs can only cool themselves by panting. Excessive panting leads to swelling in the back of the mouth and throat. This swelling makes it even more difficult for the brachycephalic breeds to breath and they can suffocate.
In fact, any dog can succumb to heat stroke or compromised breathing so PLEASE DO NOT exercise or leave dogs outside in the sun or in cars when it is hot. They trust us to make good choices and take care of them!"
 Jelly's mom lives in Florida now and makes sure he is never out for long in the heat. 
 Fia's flat faced pups are kept safe.  They can be outside in the shade, but when it's hot, only short periods of time can be safe.  The hotter it is, the shorter that time.   The tongue and the back of the throat can swell so fast and by the time you notice they are in distress, it could be too late, so please, be cautious. 
Beaches and lakes can be so much fun.  But, keep your dogs safe.  They depend on you.  ❤️

Thursday, June 25, 2020


 Daisy Mae was turned into a shelter by her breeder owner.  She was not well cared for.  I have no problem w good, responsible breeders.   But, Daisy’s breeder wasn’t one of those.
 My friend, Emily, adopted her. Daisy will need medical care but she is safe now— never to be bred again.
 Her life has changed and she will realize how special she is, how worthy of love she is.
 Daisy sees the vet this morning to see how she can get healthy— she will need time to gain weight, and get ear meds and eye meds and good food.  
She is sleeping in a soft, comfy bed now.  Her mom has helped our group for years.  Now, she has gone from rescue supporter to rescuer.  She will make a difference in Daisy Mae’s life.  I’m so proud of her!! ❤️