Wednesday, January 20, 2016


 Willie Wonton came to his family in 2007 when he was adopted in New York.
 There have been Pekes that have joined and left the family-- and Willie is in charge.
 He adores his dad-- but why are you eating outside?  
 Willie is a beautiful little man.
 He has a best friend named Bink now.   He joined the family recently.
 Willie's mom has helped so many.  Butters was one of his best friends and I know Butters is having fun at the Rainbow Bridge.   Butters was adopted from us--  it was love at first sight!
Willie has traveled all over with his parents-- from camping to vacations to Nashville to Bar Harbor, Maine.    He is a very special part of his family.    (And his mom is our Peke-Mom ambassador in New York  (unofficially, but we love her!).


lady jicky said...

Oh it must be cold for Mr Wonton .... I see a rug on him in the last photo!

Anonymous said...

Willy is so honored to have a blog post about him! He loves his PVPC family and is looking forward to the Peke-nic in the spring! He has a big job being the Mayor of all the Pekes in our household but he is a born leader. Right now, he is having fun staying out in NJ with me at his Grandmother's house with all his brothers and sisters, while his dad is away traveling in CA and AZ. But he is looking forward to long walks with his dad when he is back!

Thomas McGonigle said...

Nice to see Willy... one of these years he has to come out to the desert... he's the perfect companion when driving...