Monday, August 31, 2020


 Granger is such a character.   Look at his face.  His kids love him.  But, sometimes, he gets away from them. 🤣
 Do you see that tiny white spot?  Yep, that’s Granger.  I think he’s hiding out.   Come inside. (It's all fenced.)  (That's the neighbor's house.)
 His kids love to kiss him.  Many Pekes aren’t kid friendly.  They don’t like the “in your face”  contact.   But, Granger LOVES his kids and he lets them do anything.
After his girl kissed him, his eyes got really big.  WHAT WAS THAT??   Just a kiss, Granger.   You don't need to go hide out.  They love you!! 

Sunday, August 30, 2020


 Zoey helped me paint again.  She’s watching for invaders.
 My daughter and I are painting a lot in her house so it can go on the market.
The bathroom mirrors cane down and  Barty looked for that handsome dog.
 Zoey continued to monitor.
 “I don’t see anything.”
 At meal time, she decided I should hold her while she ate  
 Piper and Paddington wanted some, too.
And then all of us crashed on the bed.  Good thing I’m short!   There wasn’t much room. 🤣

Saturday, August 29, 2020


 Zoey gets to go extra places w me.   She’s small and easy.
 And she’s funny!  Callie Hound walked by her, and Zoey told her off!   Yes she did. 🤣
 Callie scooted our of the way.
 Barty was here too.  He’s going to be here awhile.
 My daughter is selling her house, so they will all be in our home until she decides what to do next.  Kids and dogs..   Zoey almost walked in the paint tray and I’m sure she brought a little paint home w us.   We got back today to finish one room and start the next.
 Callie has lived here off  and on for awhile.  She’s getting older and getting a little “off.”   We don’t know how old she is, but she’s not young.
 Minnie is easy going with the rest, and has always been good to the dogs who have come through.  So having extra kids and dogs is no problem for her.
Today, it’s back to painting. I sure wish the Pekes could help. 

Friday, August 28, 2020


"Did you hear that mom didn't know it was National Dog Day?"   Amazing!
"Does that mean we get a treat?"
Zoey wants a treat!
Minnie waits patiently.
Barty (granddog) is ALWAYS ready for something special.  He lives to eat.  He was rescued a year ago and has lost 10 pounds-- he was overweight and is so much healthier now.
Dickson says he's ready to be someone's special dog.   He has allergies, so it needs to be someone who is okay with that.
Rascal-your forever home is coming. 
 Finley is so loved and ..
 His sister ChiChi will be 18 years old soon!
 Romeo is an older boy now but his days are always special.
My friend Adele ford rescue in SC  it’s a dogs paradise there.   
Hope you all had a great National Dog  Day!!

Thursday, August 27, 2020


 Zoey will go to her new home in a few weeks.
 She is dreaming of  how wonderful it will be.
 I’m sure she will settle in quickly because she is so joyful.
 And she is going to have a new sister.
 Molly Mae is a sweet gentle soul.
 I’m sure her mom told her how sweet Zoey is.
 Zoey will be very missed here but I know how loved she will be so I can let her go.
I think Zoey needs a middle name, too.   💕. What do you think her middle name should be?  

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 Rascal has come so far.  He found an open crate to rest in.
 He has become part of a healthy pack.  That’s Dickson in front and little Abigail in back.
 He has learned the house and where the door is.
 He now barks to go outside!
 The dynamic duo again.  Dickson is about 11-12 and also one of our foster dogs.
 After a long day, he curls up for a nap.
 His hair (which had to be completely shaved because of severe matting) is growing back.
 He stays by Toni, his foster mom, while she works.
 And sometimes, he really wants to help.
 He’s doing so well!
He’s even giving little kisses.   He’s a senior and available for adoption.   ❤️
His foster mom said, “ He is so stinkin' cute!  Oh my!  I just love his little Rascal attitude!  He does something all the time!  Very entertaining!  Not sleeping as much this week as in the past.  And, he loves running with the pack.  He isn't afraid of any of them either.  If they yell at him, he yells right back!”  He’s a great little boy!