Thursday, October 17, 2024


We went to Williamsburg on Saturday.  I had taken Diamond "DeeGee" and Autumn to their new foster homes.   I found out a friend was going to be in Williamsburg!
And she brought Sophia Francesca with her.  After 5 years, I finally got to meet her! Isn't she precious!
I had Cinnamon with me.  I keep trying to increase her confidence.  
It wasn't working.  She was panting the entire time.  Sophia was trying to meet her. 
"Why won't she talk to me?"  Don't worry Sophia.   It's not personal.  Sometimes Cinnamon will seem to be okay, but she wasn't that day. Cinnamon was on my lap the entire time.  
We visited about an hour and then it was time to leave.  As soon as I began walking, Cinnamon calmed down.  I was carrying her.  It was a fun day!
Here we are!  😀

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Luna came to us in 2019- almost 5 years ago  
She had a back injury and needed help.  (Here she is getting rinsed off after time at the beach.)
Her mom takes her on visits to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Luna has so much fun.  
She can look out from the large upper deck.  Her foster family fell in love w her when she was going through rehab treatments.   
She loves walks on the beach, riding in her stroller.  She is about 8 so she has a lot of years in front of her.  Her Peke brothers died this year and she wants a new friend.  We’re keeping our eyes open for that Peke. 💕

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


We just got this 4 month old Yorkie puppy.   He was a stray!
No one claimed him- hard to believe.  
We were able to get him Sunday and yesterday he went to his foster to adopt home.  Yes, we already had someone who has worked with our group who wanted to love him and give him a home.
Scruffy will live with PVPC permanent foster MoMo.  He has "issues" and is not available for adoption.  
Sunny and Tim live there, too.  Tim is a 3 year old Pom and I think they will be best friends.  Sunny is a blind Peke who was fostered and adopted to this sweet family.  
Welcome to your new life, sweet little Scruffy.  💖

Monday, October 14, 2024


Autumn was turned into a shelter near me.   Autumn was so matted that she had to be sedated to shave her tail down.  The picture above is from her new foster mom.  I transported her on Saturday.
Here she was at her first vet appointment.  She had her very own pink blanket.  And she took it with her to her foster home.  
She was so tiny when she was in the shelter.  But, she's eating well and her labs look good.  
She's all clean and since her foster mom is also a groomer, the first picture shows how beautiful she is now.  
Her mom has had a lot of experience with Pekes and Shih Tzus.  Autumn was in the right place.   
New life is so much better than the old.   We love you sweet one. 💗

Sunday, October 13, 2024



Yesterday was a long day.  
A transport day plus visiting w a friend plus seeing my granddaughter’s high school play. 
We transported Diamond to her foster/adopt home.   
Cinnamon and Diamond were in front w me.  I also took Autumn to her foster home where she will be spayed and continue to get healthy. 
We got home after 11:00.  Way past my bedtime.  But it was a good day.  🥰🐾

Saturday, October 12, 2024


 Guinness came into rescue last October.

It seems like he has been with his mom much longer.  They are such a match!

Guinness was a medical dog.  He doesn't see great, and he had other issues.
His mom fell in love with him and was ready to take care of him the rest of his life. 

He travels a lot between Maryland and Florida so he has a great view on the trips.  And he is a great companion in the car. 
His mom decided to do Guinness' DNA.
It was just for fun.  And the results were interesting.  He is:

53% Japanese Chin (I didn't see that coming)

37% Pekingese (I thought it would be higher) 

8% Tibetan Spaniel  

No matter, he's a delightful boy no matter who he's related to! Everyone who meets him absolutely adores him-- including me! 😍

Friday, October 11, 2024



Barty was rescued from a shelter by my daughter, Molly.   He was in horrific shape-- so very sick that I was surprised they didn't put him down after I reviewed his records.   But he was SO HAPPY, regardless of his health.   He was carrying his hamburger when he was found. 

Molly fostered him for the shelter near us and he improved amazingly well.   When it was time, she couldn't let him go.  He became hers. 
He had been obese at 33 pounds-- and he was down to a healthy weight of 20 pounds.  Slightly smaller meals, over time will help a dog so much.  
Barty couldn't see or hear well, but he was happy to try anything.  
My grandson gave Barty several nick names.  He was part of the Snackington blogs.  One was "Barty, High Reeve of Snackington" (sheriff).  Another was "Cornelius Bartholomew of Snackington the Third."  He was also "Sir Barty of Snackington."  He had so many nicknames.  

He was best friends with Callie (who ended up deciding to live at my house-- my husband adores her).
Another friend was Lily.  She's the Secretary of Defense at Camp Snackington. 
Finley was his big friend.  He's big, but sweet.  

Barty was older when he was rescued, and his health had not been good, but he kept going.  
His hearing and sight declined.   (He is here with my Sissy.)
He loved his home-- celebrating every day with his family.  
He thought he was looking out the window.   

He had arthritis, but still was able to get around. 

That changed and he was limping more and more.   Last week-end, he declined quickly. 
 It was time.  
He couldn't move anymore, and he wasn't comfortable.  So, my daughter held him and loved on him when it was time.   His presence will be greatly missed by her.  She had him for 5 years, but it seemed much longer-- for Barty it was a life of love.  
Farewell, Barty.   You were a great little man.   We all loved you.  💙