Tuesday, May 31, 2022


This little man was a stray in rural Virginia.  
We saw this picture and his eyes aren’t in great shape. He needed help.  Sherry went to see him. 
He also only has three legs but gets around great.  
He’s safe now and will begin medical care.   Welcome to rescue!  

Monday, May 30, 2022


Tuk Tuk's girl had a birthday-- so off we went to see her.   
Zoey and Gidget went, too.
Tuk Tuk checked out the yard with Zoey.  
They all walked around a bit-- it's hard to tell Tuk Tuk and Gidget apart from the side.  
They all wandered inside and Tuk Tuk really wanted Zoey to play, but she gave him a piece of her mind.  
Tuk Tuk, Zoey and Gidget decided to check out the Roomba-- could they get it to go.  Maybe take a ride around the kitchen?? 
Zoey decided to take a rest on the couch.   She is doing great-- she just keeps going.
Before I forget, Gigi and...
Granger were there, too.   Granger is now on heart meds and doing well.   
After a fun day, we needed to leave-- sorry, Granger, but we need to get home to the rest of the dogs.
Tuk Tuk didn't want us to leave, so he began playing tug of war with the leash.
"Don't go!" 
Gidget had her seat belt on.
Let's go home! 

Sunday, May 29, 2022



We were asked to take Maddy (short for Madagascar) into rescue in April 2012.  He was 8 years old at the time. 
He was a beautiful little  boy.   
He came to the picnic that year and his new parents met him-- love at first sight.   
His dad wrote this to share with all of you.   It was written last Monday.   (It always takes me a bit to post a farewell because I want it to be something that honors the dog.)

Maddy came into our lives at a PVPC pekenic a year after our previous peke (Suet-Suet) left for the rainbow bridge.  He came to our house on May 26th, 2012.  At the time he was nine years old and he stayed with us for almost 10yrs, making it to the age of 18yrs and 9mos old.  
 He was a happy boy, happiest when he was with his mommy and daddy.  He loved to play with his kong ball and his mooses.   His daddy made a movie of him playing bury the ball ( https://youtu.be/9EcR3blE6IU ) .
Slowly over the years he began to slow down and wanted to stay home more.  You can see his way of telling us he wanted to go home, he would get in our suitcase.  Over the last year his hearing got worse and we more or less went blind, yet he was not afraid as he knew his mommy and daddy were there for him. 
One thing that never left him was his mighty bark.  He could shake the house with his bark, but he wasn't normally a barky dog but as he aged and needed help he would call out to us and we would see to him.
Over the last six months his health began to decline and his ability to cope went as well.  
Like with most Pekingese, the summer heat was his biggest enemy.
 He stopped taking walks, and began to lose strength in his back legs such that he was doing more and more circles.
 It was sad to see him struggle but he kept his spirit and his voracious appetite up to the last day today. 
 He could have lived longer in that he did have his "good" days, but they were fewer and fewer and his discomfort at night was painful to see.  
Tonight  (last week) after we return with a hole in our hearts we will set up his bed one more time, and in the morning put out his filled water bowl and his breakfast.  This way when his spirit returns to us he will find his bed ready and his food out, a last act for our dear boy.
 He is now waiting at the Rainbow Bridge with instructions to find Suet-Suet and wait for us.  We sent him with his "tiger monkey" toy and a picture of all three of us to let him know he was loved and not forgotten."
Maddy was a beautiful, loved boy.   He is missed so much.   I love what his dad wrote about the last thing they would do for their boy-- putting out his food and water bowl, his bed ready.

Thank you for giving him such an incredible life of love.  💙


Rocco’s mom sometimes needs to travel.  But, Rocco thinks she should stay home.  So he climbs in the suitcase and says “NO!”  ðŸ¤£
I guess it worked.  He’s all snug in the bed.   Sunday time w mom is the best. ❤️  HAPPY SUNDAY!  


Saturday, May 28, 2022


Bridget came into rescue 4 1/2 years ago.  
She was in Baltimore.  (I remind transporters to bring water along.  Dogs are stressed and thirsty.)
Alisa picked her up. 
Then Sharon met Alisa.  Chip met Sharon and Rita met Chip to bring her to me.   I love our volunteers! 
Bridget was a big girl at 21 pounds. 
She was adopted and is 18 years old now.  She’s definitely a senior but so many of us adore these older ones!  
Bridget’s mom Elaine is one of them.  
Bridget is so well cared for.  She’s a perfect fit.  
I think Bridget will take it easy this weekend.  A nap sounds perfect! 

Friday, May 27, 2022


I told you we had two of our grandkids full time while our daughter was teaching near Cape Town, S Africa. 
She loves it there.   But, we’re glad she arrived home safely.  It took a few extra days but she’s home. 
So what did I do last night.   I sat on the porch w Zoey.  
I had to share a few pictures.  My grandson ran to see her after school.  He was so excited!!
And Sugar Bit was close behind!  
After they left, it was so quiet.  Callie was back out in the yard. The rain finally stopped. 
Sissy was zonked out on the porch. 
Piper was making sure no intruders were close by. 
And I just sat on the porch to read and have some tea.   I love all five grandkids so much   They are my heart   But, a little quiet will be okay too ❤️