Monday, May 31, 2021


To all who have given everything, we thank you.  We hold your families close

 Memorial Day is a day to honor those who have given their lives while serving our country.  We honor each of them.  ❤️

Sunday, May 30, 2021


Tuk Tuk is all about learning.  I think this goes a little far.  He’s only a puppy.  He won’t be ready for advanced biology for a few months at least. 
He IS learning to sit.  And he found out treats are involved. 🤣.   But it also means he’s becoming a treat junkie. 

 And a little stalker!  But, he’s a cute little stalker.   Happy Sunday from Tuk Tuk. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021


Peanut came into rescue after his owner turned him into a shelter in 2015.  

He was in such rough shape with almost no hair.   He also had dry eye which had not been treated.   He needed help.  

At his vet evaluation, they took some cute pictures of him.
He was 8 years old, and a happy boy.  
He was very dapper.
His brother, Petey, died in January.  Two losses in such a short time is so difficult.  
Peanut was such a sweet boy.   He was so loved.   He had been his mom and dad's foster dog and they couldn't let them go.  He had six wonderful years with them.  
Peanut passed away in his sleep, peacefully, without any issues.  Some do that-- it's better for them, but harder for us.  It's unexpected.  
Run free now, sweet boy.  I know your family and Sugar will miss you so much.  💓💙


Dickson was able to go home last evening.  He is very attached to his foster mom and she was allowed to go in and visit. He ate for her and so he could leave the vet.   With stomach surgery, eating is a must before they can leave.   Now, he will have small meals throughout the day.  We don’t want to cause stress to his stitches.  
Gypsy has had continued to have challenges.  He was the boy found near the railroad tracks.  He needs to have ear and nose biopsies which will be on Tuesday. When we get some of these older dogs, their lack of previous care has taken a toll on them.  Our goal is to give them the quality of life they should have.  We do the best we can to accomplish this. 
Sweet Gracie.   Her lungs are so much better but she isn’t gaining weight.  Still under 7 pounds. Just a tiny thing. 
She did want you to see her new collar and flower. 
We are watching her closely. Her foster mom is keeping her right by her.  Her white cells are still too high, and the vet is doing what can be done.  Healing can be slower than we want it to be.  

Keep praying for these three sweet dogs. 🙏❤️

Friday, May 28, 2021


Layla was a senior when she came into rescue after her owner passed away.   
She was almost 18 when her owner passed away.  Who would want her?
Sweet friends of mine did.   They loved the seniors and even had a carrying case for her.
Layla loved her new home.  She slept a lot, but most of them do.   
When Layla walked in the house, she began to wag her tail--she knew she was home.  And she was.   I love those who will offer a senior dog a place to end their life, whether it is weeks, months or years.  Senior dogs need us.  They deserve to be loved and feel safe and cared for.  
Layla would have been 20 YEARS OLD on September 1.    Wow.  
Layla was an absolute joy to her mom and dad.   She was full of love.   She passed away in her sleep last night, peacefully.   She will be so missed.
Run free, sweet Layla.  You were so beautiful, inside and out.  


Dickson had surgery yesterday.  He has had medical issues since we got him.  Because of this, we decided to keep him in our forever foster group—those dogs who have issues that would mean they probably wouldn’t be adopted—so we commit to their care the rest of their lives.   He had lots  of stomach issues. And skin issues.   Poor guy.   
He got worse and back to the vet he went.  (X-ray picture below—for those who might be squeamish).  The exam didn’t show anything specific so the vet suggested an X-ray.  We didn’t expect it to show anything.   We were wrong!  
Dickson has a large stone in his stomach.  It must have been there a long time.  Wow.  He had surgery, and biopsies of his stomach were also done to find if anything else was going on.  Dickson has had so many stomach meds and special diets.  The vet said the stone was about 2 inches.   I don’t know how he could have swallowed it.  
Dickson stayed at the vet overnight and should be able to go home today.  He will be on meds and playpen time as he heals.  We hope the rock removal will solve some of his problems.  Paws crossed. ❤️

Thursday, May 27, 2021


In 2013, we had a request from a NC shelter.  Could we help?  
This very thin boy was turned in by his owner.  
He was shutting down, but the shelter rep sat w him, and she said she saw hope in his eyes.   Of course, we could help.   Kay and Claretta got him and began small meals, five times a day.  He loved their dogs and they could see he was going to be okay.  
He was adopted by a wonderful couple not too far from me.  I remember meeting them and knew they would be great owners for Fletch.
Fletch loves his dad.  And his mom, too!  
He has kitty friends. 🐾
Fletch is about 14 now and he isn’t the skinny, fearful boy we first got.  
He is loved and healthy.  
I think we know who’s in charge.  ❤️❤️
I love rescue!  


Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Tuk Tuk is BUSY!! 
Sheri and Katie's mom sent me an email, explaining why I had hurt my back. 😁
They knew I had Tuk Tuk here for almost two weeks.   
They knew that Tuk Tuk was full of himself.   Yes, I think he's taking up crafting. 
They knew he was taking swimming lessons.  Oh... NO FEAR.  
Maybe he was on caffeine.  He tried to take my daughter's coffee cup.  
Puppies do wear out-- sometimes.
And they look so innocent.  
And sweet.....
And then... They grab your shirt.  They get stuck in the couch.   HELP ME!
Sheri and Katie's mom, Nancy,  said,  "SOMEHOW you hurt your back???  I think I know how ... sounds like repetitive motion injury to me - quick starts and stops and stoops and twists ... inflammation, then pain in the lower back and one or both hips  - classic symptoms of the ortho condition called "New Puppy Syndrome."  😉😆  (ps - okay, so it isn't something you'll see in an actual  ortho textbook, but it ought to be!"

That must be it!!   All those puppy rescues from dangerous situations-- like getting too close to Bogie or Paddington.   Getting into things he shouldn't, like scissors or pools, or coffee cups.   It's NEW PUPPY SYNDROME!   I love it!