Saturday, July 27, 2024


In rescue, we've helped a lot of blind dogs.  Cinnamon is sight impaired, so not totally blind.  She amazes me with how well she does.   
Having her own seeing eye dog, Paddington, really helps her.  She's learned her way around and does well.    I carry her on steps though.  
My daughter's Barty (High Sheriff in Snackington) has lost most of his hearing and his sight.   But, he manages.  
Zoey had only one eye, and she didn't see well with the other, but she knew where I was at all times.   
Kai Kai, my heart dog, lost both his eyes after extensive surgeries to save them.  
Sightless dogs can be AMAZING.  
Benny, one of my beautiful foster dogs, was completely blind.  He learned his way around.  When he came back to visit 6 months later, he came in the door, ran down the hallway, turned right at the cabinet, left to the door, and down the porch stairs.  Rita and I were stunned-- he still remembered the layout of my house. 😀  What an incredible, beautiful boy he was.  

Do you have a blind dog?   International Blind Dog Day is coming up.  Show us your blind dogs.  Just post their picture and name in the comments-- and tell us if they have special abilities like Benny did.   We'd love to see them.  

Friday, July 26, 2024


Cha Cha came into rescue in 2014.  Her owner could no longer take care of her. 
She was born in November of 2007.  She was almost 7 when she came to rescue. 
She came into rescue w her brother Poncho.  
They were so sweet.  They are here w Dash (I think it’s Dash). Dash was also adopted from PVPC.  
Poncho passed away in April.  He and Cha Cha were best friends.   He was 16 1/2 years old. 
Cha Cha receives so much love from her mom and dad. They cherish their little girl. 
Cha Cha has beds all over.  She can be close to her family. 
She can also hang out in the kitchen.  A snack might drop. 
She is such a beautiful little girl.  She’s about the size of Cinnamon who is 12 pounds. 
I love staying in touch with our and Cha Cha’s parents are friends now. I love that. 🥰


Thursday, July 25, 2024


Puff was in a rural shelter in WV.  His owner had turned him in 
because she could no longer care for him.   
Alisa helped to get him from the shelter.  He was a happy, sweet little boy.  
The vet thought he was about 8 years old.   We had so many inquiries for him, but we could only choose one. :-)   
He went to his home a year ago-- so we wanted to celebrate his adoption.   
His new family ADORES him.   They said, "Puff is super and we love him and he's become an amazing family member."   That makes me smile! 
Happy Adoptavery Puff!!  💘

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


The pups had a busy week. 
Mom had to go out of town so they all stayed w her daughter.   They enjoyed seeing Granger, Tuk Tuk, Gigi and Toasty.  

I was trying to catch up and unpack but we were  having was storm after storm.  Lightning and thunder.  Piper got meds and a thunder shirt.  He just wanted to stay close. 
Callie hates storms too.  She gets meds and hides.  She wouldn’t go outside unless it was critical. And a clap of thunder sent her flying into the house. 

We just stayed home most of the day which pleased Cinnamon.  
We just tried to rest some.  There is another storm coming in.  I guess we will do more snuggling. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


So many of you responded to my post about "drama dogs."   Yes, many of us have one.   Here's some that you posted.  Enjoy!   (I've included some of your comments.)

"Booger doesn’t want his cat brother Poco to get on the bed with him because he thinks he is going to get a treat, and doesn’t like to share."

"My Cherry is an absolute cool cucumber.   Even at the vets, which she very much dislikes, she's extremely laid back.   
No drama mama here."  LOL

Emmett Lee likes to cause drama at the hardware store.  

Princess Momo does not share her bed or her toys with Sir Oliver.

Emmi can definitely create drama-- and she can be serious about it.  LOL  

Queen Lilibet has moved right into her home and become the boss.  
She has two brothers, but she's taken over.  

"Reba. I'm adding her as the great instigator. Nothing like chasing the neurotic chihuahua, Chewy, into over reactions because she's barked at him. Yes, she torments her little brother because it's fun."
"Dolly saying Really Mom , I can’t believe you didn’t save me anything."
"Chewy, He's sweet, adorable, snuggles like a champ. But there's no reaction like over reaction. Why bark at leaf for falling when you can go running through the house in full panic mode, tearing up floor rugs, scratching up the floor, and the Chihuahua shakes that come with it."
Lonnie doesn't like tall grass, especially when it touches his private parts.  LOL
"Gidget. She is so dramatic when you leave when she thinks she needs to go in the car when you come home when you go to the vet and lord when she gets a bath."  (I was Gidget's foster mom-- and she can SING!)
"Schmoo, don’t touch my schmooty booty!"
Bandit and Pepper--both thought they should be only dogs, but now they are besties.   I think they PLAN some of the drama.  
"Kam is sooo tired. You guys just wore me out."  
This is Lilibet-- she was a senior when she was adopted.   And she moved in and took over.   Red and Chewy are her brother. 
Lilibet's brother is Red.  "Red. Who steps on a stick and scratches between his pads on 1 foot and spends the next 6 hours not bearing weight on the leg, hiding under furniture, and feigning inability to walk. He got a dose of gabapentin to help him chill out and get a nap to forget he had a scratched paw."
Colly loves to create drama.  LOL
Chewy is Lilibet's other brother.   I've watched his antics for a few years-- His family has had a lot of Pekes, but Chewy came and fit right in. 
Lonni is stunning.  Look at her face.   Her mom said there could be drama, but I'm finding it hard to believe with that adorable face!  😜
Rick is a forever foster with us.   He can be DRAMATIC!! 
"Pinky sometimes a lady sometimes naughty. Mostly sweetie..."
Of course at my house, there's never any drama-- don't believe that.   Cinnamon can have drama from being afraid, but as soon as she has Paddington close by (and Piper, too in this), she does better.
Here's to all the drama dogs!