Friday, February 28, 2025


Jolly was in the first group of the Christmas rescue. Look at him now- that smile.  
Jolly was one of the smallest ones in the group.  
While he was at my house for a few days, he jumped in the dryer.  ðŸ¤£
Jolly was adopted. His mom and dad had adopted before from PVPC. 
He’s enjoying his new home and new toys. 

Jolly has a new name to go w his new life.  It’s Marv. 
Marv is getting used to a new place.  He can be a little timid at all the changes.  But he now has a loving, forever home. ❤️. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025


 Sweet Kringle.  Kringle’s foster mom posts cute posts about Kringle.  They make me smile so I’m sharing some w you. Enjoy! 

Daily report from Kringle. Well mom went to the store today. That upsets me but I just went to bed and slept until she came home. Then when she came home with things to carry I had to go into my house, the crate, I really don't like that but mom says I have to wait in there until the groceries are in the house.  (Kringle might attempt to run out the door, so he’s be kept safe.)
Anyway I was a good boy in my house and didn't bark but a couple of times. I got yummy cheese because I was a good boy.
Kringle wants everyone to know he has been a very good boy today. He even told me he wanted to go outside. He got two cookies for his goodness.
When it snowed, “Kringle looked out the door and refused to go out.”   (I could visualize his face and determination when I saw this.)
Mom says it's bedtime. Goodnight all.
Sometimes mom will give me tiny bites of her food. I really like it when she does. I don't like the food rules though. I wanted part of her potato patty but she said I couldn't have any because it has onions in it. 😡 She could have left the onion thing out.
Kringle says look at me. My hair is getting fluffy and I'm not so skinny now. Mom's hoping my ears will get fluffy too so I'm trying to grow ear hairs. (This was last month. He’s getting a little more fluffy now.)
Mom got me a new sweater all for me. The first picture she tried to take I booped the camera. 😆 I can be funny sometimes.
Sometimes living with Kringle is like living with a two year old. When the phone rings he has to "talk" to me the entire time I'm on the phone. 💙😵‍💫
Kringle is a sweetheart!   I’m so glad PVPC could save him. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


I took Mistletoe to have a get together w Winter and Noelle.  
Mistletoe knows Winter.  They were fostered together before Mistletoe came to my house.  
Noelle’s foster dad brought her outside. We were in the yard for awhile.  
We went inside to see them in a smaller area. We wanted to see them interact.  
Noelle went to her safe spot- a bed in the kitchen. 
Winter hung out w her there. 
Noelle is afraid of strangers so we just let be together. 
Noelle and Winter didn’t play but they didn’t move away either . I think they would become playmates if they were adopted together.  Noelle was in the first group of 11. Winter was in the second group of four.  I’m sure there were some “family” groups in the house they lived in  before we got them. 
Winter is small and Noelle is even smaller. Two little ones. 💕💕
I think Noelle (on the right) was curious about this other Peke who looked like her.  

After we left, Noelle was chasing her toys.  She is precious.  I’ll post the video w this blog   


Tuesday, February 25, 2025


 Penny is one of the last two of the Bristol 18. 

Colby, one of the 2 puppies, is the other one.  

Colby is going on 15. 
Penny was about 3 when we got her.  
It was the biggest rescue we had ever done.  (The Christmas 2024 rescue of 19 is now the biggest PVPC has ever done.)
Penny was adopted and has lived in a loving home since 2010.  
She was recently joined by Tinsel (now Tulip) and…
Nicholas (now Percy).  They are being adopted this week. 
Having two youngsters in her home has made a difference in Penny’s life. 
And it’s a good change.  
Penny is more alert now.  And she’s 17 years old!  
She’s eating more and is more active. She lets Tulip and Percy know when she thinks they are too busy.  ðŸ¤£. They were racing around and she fussed at them.  
AND they listened!   So funny. 
She seems to have a new lease on life since they came.  Keep on monitoring them, Penny. You can be the mama-dog now. 🥰

Monday, February 24, 2025


Bethany was one of the Christmas rescue dogs. 
This is one of the pictures after a week of care.  She has gained weight and is becoming a healthy girl. 
When she first came in, she was scared. Most of them were.  
She is being fostered w Hannah, a PVPC alumni. 
Look at them. 💕💕
Bethany is still timid.  And like many of the 19, she is unsure of men.  
Look at her now. Her hair is still growing back.  She’s a beautiful little girl. She’s about 3 years old and loves to be cuddled beside you.  I love seeing these little ones become whole. 
Don’t apply. She’s already spoken for. ❤️ Her foster parents are keeping her. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Noelle is one of the Christmas Pekes.  She had a busy day.  She played. She ate. Now she naps.  ðŸ˜´.  It’s a perfect Sunday activity. Or I should say lack of activity. 
She’s w Mei Mei and Ren. Noelle looks bigger. But her foster sisters are 15 pounds.  Noelle is 8.6 ponds. Tiny.  The girls wish you all a happy Sunday. ☀️

Saturday, February 22, 2025


Tuk Tuk isn’t a big fan of the snow.  Well he did run in the snowy mud.  Does that count? 
The icicles were long- some over 2 feet long.  
His brother Granger loves it. He will go out and lay in it. 

You can see his Halloween orange is growing out or just fading.   And where are his feet.  
Toasty would rather nap. 
Tuk Tuk’s cousins are at my house. Cinnamon and Callie aren’t afraid of the snow. Cinnamon does run for the door a lot sooner than Callie.  
Callie will race right out in the snow. And yesterday Dickens followed him. 😳. 
Piper and Paddington had their yearly vet appointment yesterday and then….
They headed to the ottoman w Cinnamon.  They can see the snow but still be warm.  Sounds like a win to me.