Wednesday, February 26, 2025


I took Mistletoe to have a get together w Winter and Noelle.  
Mistletoe knows Winter.  They were fostered together before Mistletoe came to my house.  
Noelle’s foster dad brought her outside. We were in the yard for awhile.  
We went inside to see them in a smaller area. We wanted to see them interact.  
Noelle went to her safe spot- a bed in the kitchen. 
Winter hung out w her there. 
Noelle is afraid of strangers so we just let be together. 
Noelle and Winter didn’t play but they didn’t move away either . I think they would become playmates if they were adopted together.  Noelle was in the first group of 11. Winter was in the second group of four.  I’m sure there were some “family” groups in the house they lived in  before we got them. 
Winter is small and Noelle is even smaller. Two little ones. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
I think Noelle (on the right) was curious about this other Peke who looked like her.  

After we left, Noelle was chasing her toys.  She is precious.  I’ll post the video w this blog   


1 comment:

LadyJicky said...

My two departed and much missed girls were not super close but they did enjoy each others company and both did not like to play with toys .
Never fought either!
Just two old girlfriends sitting on a bench together ..... perhaps that is what Noelle and Winter are too . lol