Sunday, March 23, 2025


Another rescue contacted me about a one year old female Peke.  But she was in Ohio!   Way out of our area. HOWEVER I had a friend who lived 30 minutes away from her.  How amazing is that. She offered to get her and see how she was.  

They have adopted quite a few Pekes from us over the years.  (They had adopted before I began so I already knew what awesome adopters they were.) They recently adopter Emmi who has behavior and heart issues.  And they love her so much.  They still have Piper who I fostered a long time ago.  He’s an old boy now but he’s fine w Gracey. 
Gracey has been to the vet and is being updated on all she needs. AND Gracey isn’t going anywhere.  They already love her and are adopting her.   Gracey will have a wonderful life! 💕

1 comment:

LadyJicky said...

So happy for you Gracey!!!
Well..... a Happy Sunday to you!