Tuesday, October 31, 2023


I’ve known the Parks Pups mom since I had Lexie.  Donna also had a IMHA dog and we became Facebook friends.   Her dogs are adorable and always dressed up for different occasions.  Here are two of them this Halloween.   You guessed it.  They are Barbie and Ken. 
Granger is a “bag boy.”   🤣🤣
Sammy and Lil Calli Gutl are dressed up but I think we’ll see more costumes today. 
Top Gun Jack is at the Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary with my friend Tiffany. She rescues those who have no other options and gives them a safe place to live.   
Tolstoy said his dad wants him to have a costume. Right now, he looks like he’s trying to break out of jail. 😂
Gomez is a bumblebee. 🐝
 I can’t wait to see all the dressed up dogs today.  I’ll share more pictures later. 🧑‍🚀👨‍🚒. Post your Halloween dogs, too. 

Monday, October 30, 2023



Auggie came into rescue in August.  
When we got him, he was missing hair, and he hadn't been taken care of.   
He needed medical help and he was able to get that.  
He healed and Monica fell in love with him.   She has adopted several from us and Auggie was a wonderful addition to her family.  
He was accepted by the resident female boss, Hannah.  She had to approve of any new dogs joining their family.   She is a pistol-- but she loved Auggie.  
She would even greet him when he had been to an appointment.  Hannah doesn’t just tolerate him, she actually likes him and greets him when he’s back from his walk. 
He was meant to be there.  

His mom sent me this note, "Look at his full body photo-- his coat is so thick over his back and legs. You can hardly get to his skin!  He is such a gorgeous boy!  He is adored!"   I love adoption stories!!  They bring me so much joy! 

Sunday, October 29, 2023


Precious Fey came into rescue over 2 years ago.  

She was found in Fayetteville, NC by someone who knew me from a vet we shared in Virginia several years ago.  So, she contacted me.  How "odd" is that-- that a Peke is found in another area and the person who found her knew me.   Of all the porches that the Peke could have wandered to, in a storm, she picked this porch.   She was kept safe and cared for.  We named her Fey. 

 Fey has crossed the rainbow bridge.  Her foster moms said, "We ponder how this velcro Peke could have been a stray.  Perhaps there was a Master plan guiding her way to our home. She became the Boss.  The quiet is so loud right now."
When Fey saw the vet, we found out her heart was enlarged and not in good shape.   
The vet gave  her 6 months to live.   Good thing Fey didn't listen to him.
Fey still had adventures to live.   Like rolling around in her bed.
Like climbing on tables to see what was outside.   
Taking lots of naps was on her agenda.  
She climbed on stools to help in the kitchen.  
She rolled around in paper.  It looks like a huge brown bag exploded.  
She stopped being able to climb.   She was on heart medications, and the great care and love she received gave her over two years.  
Last week, she joined her sister BG at the Rainbow Bridge.   Her absence is felt greatly.
Run free now, Fey.   You will be so missed.   💜🌈

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Jo Jo came into rescue in 2011.   He had been left in a crate in front of a Sheetz's store in NC.  
He was a sweet boy and he was adopted to a home in Maryland.  
The following year, 2012, Annabelle was a stray in Maryland and she also came into rescue.  By then, Jo Jo was living a happy life in Maryland.  
Annabelle joined his family.  
She was a little one, but oh, she was bossy. LOL
She was very opinionated and she definitely had her favorite people.   
They both were older and began to have health issues.   They couldn't see or hear well. 
Their parents were setting up a day to let Annabelle go, when Jo Jo had a major medical emergency.   They realized they would now need to let them both go.   This seemed right since they had lived together for 11 years.  But what a rough thing to have to do.  
Run free sweet ones.  Annabelle and Jo Jo-- you were so blessed to have your wonderful family.  💜💙🌈


We received several rescue requests this week.  So we got them.  One is still on hold if the owner shows up but we don’t think he will.   But I can post MARLEE.   She is 11 and sweet.  She was groomed immediately and is quite the looker.  She is a bit “round” so a diet is also part of her health plan.   Welcome to rescue sweet girl. 💕

Friday, October 27, 2023


Padme "Paddy" was one of the Maryland Five.   She's a beautiful girl.  
Paddy has separation anxiety and needs to be in a home where someone is around most of the time.  
She also really wants and needs a playmate.  The whole group are big players and her foster brothers aren't playing like she wants.    She will play fetch with you-- but she has her own rules.  
Paddy will throw her toy in the air and then get the zoomies.  She is really sweet and adorable.   She's about 3-4 years old.   She would do best in a home with a fenced yard.  If you are interested, just fill out an application.  We adopt in Maryland and Virginia. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023


My blogs are normally about Pekingese.  But, this one is about Annie.  She was an Arabian that belonged to my daughter.   I want to honor Annie's life.  
Annie was part of her life for 26 years.  Annie carried children on her back and was gentle.
Meghann bought Annie when she was in college.
She worked in the equestrian program and met Annie.
She fell in love with her and Annie became hers.
Annie lived in Kentucky, and North Carolina, and Virginia.
When the family moved to Virginia, Annie came, too.  They lived near Charlottesille on a farm.  Many blogs were written about going to the FARM.  Many of my foster dogs visited there.
Annie's best friend was Jazzy-Girl.  She was a pony.  
Jazzy was Lil Bit's horse-- my oldest granddaughter (who is now in college).  
She would hug her and she received a hug back.
In Virginia,  Annie later lived on another farm-- and some pigs were her best friends.  Jazzy was there, too. 
She shared her food.  
Annie was very attached to my daughter.  She would rub her face on her back.
She had favorite scratch spots.  
My daughter's family has always had horses, cats, dogs and kids.   Charlie is 16 years old and has been very loved.
Granger was adopted from PVPC.  
Tuk Tuk was loving on Gigi.  
You all know Tuk Tuk.
And then Tolstoy joined the family.  
Annie was a family member for 26 years.
She owned part of my daughter's heart.
My daughter said, "She has been my horse for about half my life. And almost all of hers. Trust, love, and knowing exactly what itchy spots she wants me to scratch when I checked on her. #Annie."
"Yesterday she told me exactly where she wanted all her scratches. And then she rubbed her head on me like she has for 26 years.   Last night she passed peacefully in her field."
 My daughter wrote this about Annie:   “God made horses that we might fly without wings.”
Annie carried me through my entire adult life. I trusted her with my life and she trusted me with hers. Our souls were knit in that unique weave of a rider and their forever horse.
Sometimes we galloped like the very wind was chasing us. Sometimes we just wandered peacefully in the field."

She said, "I didn’t know my last ride was my last ride. I didn’t know that yesterday would be the last time I scratched all her favorite spots. My heart is shattered but I am so thankful her passing was peaceful and that I got to love her for most of her life. She was almost 32 and was mine for 26 of those years. #annie"

Annie was buried at my daughter's in-laws farm. This wild flower bouquet was placed with love there.
Run free, sweet Annie. You were so loved. 💓