Thursday, February 27, 2025


 Sweet Kringle.  Kringle’s foster mom posts cute posts about Kringle.  They make me smile so I’m sharing some w you. Enjoy! 

Daily report from Kringle. Well mom went to the store today. That upsets me but I just went to bed and slept until she came home. Then when she came home with things to carry I had to go into my house, the crate, I really don't like that but mom says I have to wait in there until the groceries are in the house.  (Kringle might attempt to run out the door, so he’s be kept safe.)
Anyway I was a good boy in my house and didn't bark but a couple of times. I got yummy cheese because I was a good boy.
Kringle wants everyone to know he has been a very good boy today. He even told me he wanted to go outside. He got two cookies for his goodness.
When it snowed, “Kringle looked out the door and refused to go out.”   (I could visualize his face and determination when I saw this.)
Mom says it's bedtime. Goodnight all.
Sometimes mom will give me tiny bites of her food. I really like it when she does. I don't like the food rules though. I wanted part of her potato patty but she said I couldn't have any because it has onions in it. 😡 She could have left the onion thing out.
Kringle says look at me. My hair is getting fluffy and I'm not so skinny now. Mom's hoping my ears will get fluffy too so I'm trying to grow ear hairs. (This was last month. He’s getting a little more fluffy now.)
Mom got me a new sweater all for me. The first picture she tried to take I booped the camera. 😆 I can be funny sometimes.
Sometimes living with Kringle is like living with a two year old. When the phone rings he has to "talk" to me the entire time I'm on the phone. 💙😵‍💫
Kringle is a sweetheart!   I’m so glad PVPC could save him. 

1 comment:

LadyJicky said...

Kringle you are looking good and I bet those ears will get hairy real soon!