Monday, January 31, 2022


I asked you on facebook which dogs you remembered most.   Which ones were the face of rescue.  Starlight was up there.
So was Potomac Valley Louie, who came to us with injured eyes.  He was a puppy, and lost both eyes, but what a life he has had.   That was in 2011, and so he must be almost 11 now.  
So many remembered Blossom.   She came to me with an injured leg.   
She was adopted by Michelle and loved to the end of her life.
Lexie-- she was so critical when I got her.   It turned out she had IMHA.  My first dog with that.
Oh, how I loved her.    She was so precious.  
Kenobi's time was so brief-- but what an impact he made.
Bogie captured so many hearts.    Mine included.
Floyd- with Starlight.
Floyd was precious, quiet, deaf, sweet-- so many loved him.    We didn't really know his age.  He was just a beautiful little presence in our home.
Minnie-- another quiet one.  
She was my girl.
Kai Kai-- so many loved him, but he was my heart.   
I could hold him, and bury my face in his fur and feel peace.  My boy.
Elvis was another mentioned.   He came to us as a very serious dog.   We thought he had a tumor.
He had surgery and his stomach was full of anything he could eat-- sticks, rocks, metal.  He recovered and lived a long life.  
Clara captured so many hearts.   I loved her so much.
She was 8 pounds of sweetness.
She was with me about a year.  A brain tumor took her, but the love remained.  
BeeBee and Nala-- my two IMHA sisters.   We really thought we'd beat the disease, but we didn't.  So many welcomed them at the Rainbow Bridge.
They were such a  loving pair.
Of all the mentions I got, there was one "face of rescue."   So many mentioned Starlight.  She was with us over ten years.  She was so loving with us, she adored the grandkids, but strangers would told off in no uncertain terms.  11 pounds of pure spirit.  
So, I decided that Starlight was "Our Face of Rescue."   It's not official, but I think it's still true.  💜

Sunday, January 30, 2022


Granger loves the snow.  But, how did he get so dirty. There were just enough puddles to play in. 🤣
Tuk Tuk had lots of fun running around in the snow.   They got less snow than we did further south. 🤷. How did that happen?  
Tuk Tuk came in and—oh no! — Gigi was in his bed.   He loved his bed.  (The bed is better than a box sometimes!)
He tried giving his best sad look but to no avail.  Gigi was sound asleep.  Poor Tuk Tuk. 😄.  Happy Sunday anyway!  

Saturday, January 29, 2022


Little Fluffy had a lot of surgery.  She had open masses and infection. 
Her mouth was a mess w fistulas up to her nose snd sinuses.  
Her mouth has two teeth left and she is hand fed now as she heals. 
Callie checked her out.  Then Gidget came. 
Rocky looked and then… 
He had to see how Fluffy was doing. 
Fluffy is still very post surgical.  She just wanted to rest.  
So after we all wandered a bit…
We headed inside.   Fluffy has her own area so she can rest.   It will take time, but we have time.  One day at a time.   Healing and new life have begun.  💖

Friday, January 28, 2022


Gidget and Rocky are so sweet.   He has come a long way, and Gidget is precious.
She helps me do my quiet time each morning.  She has decided that sitting on the table is okay.  LOL
She walked around it to find a spot to lay down.  Silly girl.
And around....
Rocky's coat on his back is thin so sweaters are his friend.   I hope he will continue to get more hair and become healthier as he is a good eater and loves his meals.
In the snow, they were the two who were always willing to go out with me, even though the snow was a challenge for the rest.
Gidget loves being on top of the couch-- the playroom/office couch is firmer, but also narrow at the top, so it's an adventure getting up there.  😁  The family room couch is much softer and with cushions.   We sometimes lose her behind them.  LOL
All 11 pounds of Gidget can keep Callie under control.   So funny.
She MUST sleep on the bed (or she will sing)  -- the top of my pillow is where she has decided to sleep.   I just scoot my head further down.  The things we do.
  Sissy is close, too.  We have a lot of snugglers.
Rescue is a continuous adventure here.   We have had the opportunity to love so many.  
What a privilege.  💙💗💗

Thursday, January 27, 2022



The neglect changes you.
The abuse hardens you.

The suffering breaks you.
The ignorance angers you.
The indifference disturbs you.
The injustice destroys you.
On a daily basis…your faith will be tested.
Your heart will be wounded....
Your soul will be altered.
On a weekly basis…you’ll question yourself.
You’ll question your strength.
You’ll question the world.
On a monthly basis…you’ll fall down.
You’ll get up.
You’ll go on…
On a yearly basis…you’ll look back…
You’ll see faces…
You couldn’t save them.
You’ll learn to mourn.
To grieve.
To sob.
You’ll learn to trust a little less. (or maybe a little more)
To do a little more.
To fight a little harder.
You’ll learn to try.
To hope.
To pray.
You’ll learn to fail.
To succeed.
To accept.
You’ll learn when to hold on.
When to give up.
When to let go.
You’ll learn who you are.
What you stand for.
Why that matters.
Then… at times… you’ll forget why you matter.
You’ll question what you’re doing.
You’ll wonder if it’s worth it.
But…here’s the good news…
 When you forget…
When you question…
When you wonder…
All you have to do…
Is take a look around…

And you’ll see them.
You’ll see their faces.
You’ll see their smiles.
You’ll feel their love.
In their eyes, you’ll see their journeys…
You’ll remember their beginnings…
You’ll know how far they’ve come…
You’ll remember when they didn’t know you…
When they didn’t trust you…
When they’d given up.
You’ll remember how you healed them…
How you loved them…
How they loved you, too.
And as you look back…
You’ll want to move forward…
For them… and because of them.
In your darkest hours, you’ll look around…
To find the differences made…the hope given…and the lives saved…
Because you existed.
In those moments, when you look into their eyes…every doubt will be erased.
Every question will be answered.
Every worry will subside.
Because in that instant…in each of your hearts…
You both share the very same thought: “Every bit of pain was worth it…for this moment here with you.”
And honestly…no matter what else happens…
Those moments hold all the strength you need…  
To keep going.
Rescue is pain.
Rescue is joy.
Rescue is worth it…because they are worth it.
And that’s the honest truth.
~ Ashley Owen Hill