Sunday, April 30, 2023


Gidget is doing great in her home.   She is such a sweetheart and it was hard to let her go.   But, what a GREAT home she has with my friend, Amee.   
She often helps her mom work, with her blanket on the desk-- but not today.   It's Sunday!   Time for a day off!   HAPPY SUNDAY! 

Saturday, April 29, 2023


Zoey had a small blood test to see her what her white and red count is.  Everyone was excited to see her. 
She was so good.   On the way home, I decided to be bad and get Taco Bell.  Zoey came alive!!  She may not hear or see much, but her nose works just fine. 
No I didn’t give her any but she really wanted some.   Starving girl. 💖🤣

Friday, April 28, 2023


Bath time can be an adventure.   Sure it can!  Zoey is a good sport and easy to do.  
Callie says NOT HAPPENING. 
She hides behind a cushion w a paw over her face.  If she can’t see me, then I must not be able to see her.  🤣
I hand trim Zoey a little at a time.   Her hair is thick but soft. 
Piper would rather I do no trimming.   Please Piper!  You need a haircut.  
Barty is not a fan either.  I have to put an e collar on him.  He doesn’t see or hear well so he can be startled.  I put peanut butter on the side of the sink to distract him awhile.  
He and Piper eventually get finished but it can take awhile.   I’m not a groomer but my dogs do get cleaned up- w time. 🤣🤣

Thursday, April 27, 2023


So many responded to my request for beautiful pictures.   Louie-- pensive and stunning.  Susan's boy.
Brucee Wu-- PVPC alumni, absolute joy of his mom's life.
Silly Catherine-- her mom adores her.
Dolly-- so happy, and then..
a beautiful photo of her posing.   What an adorable face.
Holly Bell is so adored by her parents.    💗
Kasey RIP was precious.   

But, this one of Kasey is my favorite.

Kendal's crew is relaxing and are very loved.  What a sweet photo.
Lady and Louie are both loved PVPC alumni.  Those faces!
My friend on facebook (a high school classmate) couldn't resist posting this one to make me grin.   And it did! 
Mollie and Gidget-- two of Amee's precious girls.   
Nana is also her beloved girl-- another adopted from us.  
And precious Penny-- another PVPC alumni.   I'll have to do another story on her.  She was from the Bristol 18 and has just grown more beautiful.   That was almost 13 years ago.  Wow.  

Thank you for sharing your beautiful pups with us.  💖

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


In 2020, we received an email from a very rural NC shelter.  An older, very sweet, Peke had been found as a stray and he needed help.  We jumped to help.  (He had a microchip, but it wasn't updated.  If you move, make sure you update your dog's microchip information.  We think our dog will NEVER get out, but it does happen.)  
Sir Oliver was indeed a precious boy.  And a happy boy!
He was adopted to the western part of Virginia.  Snow!
A BAMA fan?   😀  Uh Oh.   We are Virginia Cavaliers (UVA) here.  LOL  
We weren't sure how old he was.  When they're in rough shape, it's hard to give an estimate, but we thought he was around 10.  
"I'm not that old!"  😂
Happy three years (in March) with his family.    Another happy "ending" for a beautiful boy.    

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Paulee came into rescue after his owners passed away.   
His foster mom, Lisa, caught him up medically and then we waited for that perfect home.
His name had been PeeWee, but I just couldn't keep that.  So, it became Paulee.   I let the previous owner's granddaughter know of the change, and she started tearing up.   The grandkids of the owner are Ashlee, Emilee, Allee, and Maddee.  All end with a double "e"-- so his name change meant a lot to her.   She told me her eyes watered when she saw it.  We don't always know the little things we do that effect others and confirm they made the right choice.   It touched my heart.
Lisa and Paulee went on a visit on Saturday.   
The home had two dogs and two older kids and their Pekingese had passed away.   Their other dogs were so welcoming to Paulee.  
The family fell in love with Paulee right away-- it was the perfect home for him.   It's a family who believes in rescue and they were excited!
Welcome to your new life Paulee!!   We are so happy for you! 

Monday, April 24, 2023


Sometimes, you need to step back from the business of life.   Paddington was all for it.  But, he didn't get to go!  Oh, No.  (He was fine-- he just snuggled up for a nap.)
I went to see my older grandson on his rowing race.    Just being near the water is relaxing.
One of the parents brought his young Golden.   Somehow she found me.   Her name was Bailey and she wanted attention-- that was fine with me.  
Oh Sunday, I decided I needed wave sounds.  So, I headed to the beach.   I'm about 20 minutes away.
I go to a military beach-- it's not crowded and one part has the remains of what may have been a pier.   Or a beach boat landing.   
Pieces of concreate are all over and it makes a perfect place to sit....
and listen to the waves.  Stress can lower at the sound of waves.
I sat and listened.
Planes went over-- helicopters, too.   The military environment is something that has always been part of my life-- raised by an Air Force dad and married a military man.   
I watched boats go by.
I could see across an inlet part and dogs were having fun, running and playing. It was good to get away.  I need to go again soon.   
The dogs were glad I got home.   Out we went, and Zoey decided she was stuck in the border grass.
I think she just wanted sympathy since she didn't go to the beach with me.   LOL   Either way, I was happy to help her.    A day of rest was good for me.