Monday, September 16, 2024


Barnabas was at my vet so that all his labs could be done before he is transported to his foster home in Richmond. 
I brought him to my house. 
Everyone approved. Except Paddington.  He decided he would be his cranky self so he got to be on whatever side of the baby gate that Barnabas was not on. 
Barnabas is about 2 I think. His teeth are white, he acts like a young one. He is wearing belly bands because he isn’t trained (owner said this on his turn in papers to the shelter) and he isn’t neutered.  I think neutering will help. In the meantime, belly bands are awesome   

Today I am taking Barnabas to Richmond, and I’ll get Birdie Bea to bring her to her new home.  
Barnabas is loving and playful. He doesn’t seem to be an alpha dog. He loves attention from people.  He is a sweet boy. His forever home is out there. 


Sunday, September 15, 2024


Emmi thinks Sunday (or any day actually) is a good day for begging and hoping and waiting for a morsel of food to fall off the table.   I think that’s every Pekes dream. 

Whether it happens or not, it’s a nice way to spend Sunday. 
HAPPY SUNDAY from Emmi. 🥰

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Welcome to rescue little one!

This pup was in the shelter near me.  Could we help? 
He was turned in by his family because he wasn’t house trained.  They thought occasionally letting him out would train him.  But did they actually train him?  No. He loved the kids in his family but his owners took him to the shelter. 
I went to meet him and he was SO HAPPY. 
He’s YOUNG, under 3. His teeth are so white. 
I think he was auditioning to be rescued.  And we did. He was stinky, matted and dirty.  I went right to the vet (I called first) and he got in right away.  The groomer there stayed longer to clean him up.  I was so grateful.  
Look at him now.  His lab work was delayed a day because he was so exuberant and happy and they couldn’t  get his bloodwork done.  😜  So it was done Friday and I should know how he is today or tomorrow.  His foster mom will help him learn proper house manners.  Males can use belly bands in the house- so easy.  He needs to be neutered and then he will be available for adoption.  WELCOME TO RESCUE BARNABAS. 🥰

Friday, September 13, 2024


Marlee came into rescue last October.   
She needed care and her foster mom immediately took over.  
She went to the groomer and the vet.   There was a problem.  She has serious heart problems.   
A cardiology appointment miraculously became available the next day.  Marlee had critical heart issues.  She went on 5 medications.  

Her recheck showed her heart was stable.  Her foster parents were so happy.  
Marlee had a brother named Finley.  He wasn’t  too sure about her at first but then he decided she was okay.  
Marlee suddenly wasn’t feeling well. Her foster parents took her straight to the vet.  It wasn’t her heart.  She was in kidney failure.  She was in critical condition.  
She left being held and loved.  Run free and breathe easy precious girl. 💖


LiLi was part of the Maryland 5 rescue last September 2023. 
She came to me initially.  She was right at home here   
Toasty was part of that group. 😁
LiLi was a character.   And just beautiful and sweet. 
“What are you doing?” she said. 
She went to Amee’s for fostering after her medical was done.   She loved it there. 💕
She had friends there to play with while she waited for her forever home. 

LiLi loves her new family. She has new friends and a mom and dad who love her so much. 
Her life totally changed when she came into rescue.   
Changing lives is what rescue is all about. ❤️

Thursday, September 12, 2024


September is National Puppy Mill Awareness Month.   Penny was one of the Bristol 18 rescue.  That was in 2010 and we took in 18 Pekes from a back yard breeder.   It wasn't the scale of a puppy mill, but it was still a horrible breeding place.   All but one could be saved.   Penny is one of two that are still alive.  
Colby is the other.  He was one of the two puppies in the group.  He's 14 this year, a senior now, but still loved and spoiled.  
Everyone knows Tuk Tuk.  He was purchased from a pet store by a college student.   She tried to hide him in the dorm, and that didn't work.   She turned him into rescue because her parents wanted to make sure he had a good life.  We are pretty sure he was exposed to marijuana.   I was very concerned when we got him and took him straight to the vet.  He must have been a puppy mill dog.  We think he must have a little something in him that gives him his crazy energy.   The thing about puppy mills and unethical breeders-- they may say a dog is pure bred, but it's not always true.  (Any name can be put on their papers.)
We know Olivia came from a breeder in Texas.  So why was she in Virginia?   Pet store or transported for sale?   At seven months old, she was so young to be a stray.  But, she was.  People in rescue become sleuths and sometimes we are able to find information on a dog.   After years of rescue, I knew some things to check on her.   That's how I tracked her beginning.  She's safe and happy now.  We were asked to help even though she wasn't a Peke.   So, as I pick up toys ALL OVER THE HOUSE, separate her some to give my dogs a puppy break, she is a super sweet girl.  I'm glad our rescue could help. 
Other dogs we have rescued from shelters, like Henni were in great need.   The shelter thought she had a broken leg, but the vets think she was born that way.   She's a precious girl.
We don't usually get any information from shelters, but we know Princess was in need.  She has serious heart issues, so we kept her as a forever foster.   Was she a puppy mill or back yard breeder dog?   We wish we knew.  

Lady and Louie are PVPC alumni.   We don't know their origins.  Were they sold in a pet store?  Directly from a breeder who wouldn't let the parents be seen?  That usually means they don't want you to see where the dogs live.  
Zoey my heart.   We just know her owner died and she was put in a shelter.   I wish we could sort out where each of our foster dogs was born.  I think we would not be surprised to know many were bred just to be sold.  Sold without determining if they were getting a good home.   A lot of these places will "deliver" the dog to you.  It's a breeder who doesn't care.   Good breeders want to know where their dogs are going and if that home can provide for their needs.    

Our rescue helps the ones we can.    We wish puppy mills all over would be outlawed.   
"We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces. It is our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat and find the true soul that lies within. We are Rescue."

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Our board members all have rescue Pekes.  Beth does our wonderful newsletter. She has fostered and also adopted many. We met at her home check years ago. It was 2013 and they adopted Wylie. Her girls are above.  Aren’t they precious. 
Barbara is our treasurer. It’s a big job keeping track of all that comes in to help us and all the money we pay for medical expenses.  She has fostered and helped many.  When Denver came, it was love at first sight.  She also has worked on our calendar for years. 🗓️. 
You’ve seen my Paddington w his friend Cinnamon. He’s amazing w her.  I do a variety of things in rescue.   I love Pekingese and helping them have better lives. 
Tipper belongs to Elaine.  We met when she adopted Bridget.  Elaine helps w home checks, fostering, transporting  and the calendar. 
Brock was part of the WV6.  Lisa was his foster mom and fell in love. Lisa has done fostering, home checks, transporting. She’s my “go to first” person if there’s a Peke in need.  She helps w quick rescues. 
Mojo belongs to Claretta.  She’s been our secretary and she has kept us on track w our record keeping.  She has 6 dogs, some are forever fosters.  
Fiona has Fresia and Scout.  Fiona and her husband do our website.  Fiona also helps w our calendar and is always there w her sweet friendship. And she makes the best soda bread. 
Amee has fostered many times.  She also has adopted some precious girls like Gidget. Gidget stole her heart and never left.  Amee loves the small ones like Pekes and Shih Tzus.  Gidget has three Shih Tzu sisters. 
Robin has fostered and been a board member a long time.  She has set up so many of our picnics in the past- the food, drinks, goodies.  Amazing.  Since Covid, we don’t do open picnics.  All of us just get together at times. 

All of us on the board do rescue because of our great love for Pekes.  Some have had Pekes for many years.  We get nothing monetary for doing this.  But we get paid w great love and seeing lives changed.  That’s more valuable than anything.  Thank you to each of them for everything they do.  You are so special 🥰

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Mimi came into rescue with her brother Baxter in August 2022.  
Their owner had passed away and these two were in a shelter.  We were asked to help them. 
They were adopted by previous adopters and their beloved Maxwell had passed away.  
Maxwell was a beautiful precious boy.  
Mimi and Baxter went to their home in Virginia. 
Then they moved to Florida for a while and have moved back to Virginia.
Last winter, Baxter developed a brain tumor.   He went blind and his life wasn't the same.   As the tumor grew, he got worse, and his mom and dad had to let him go.  
He had their heart and there is a void there.  
Mimi is doing well and loving all the attention she is getting.   She is a daddy's girl and she's with him all the time.   She's precious.  💜