Saturday, August 31, 2013


 We just got this sweet girl.   We have named her Lucy.
 She was turned in to the shelter by her owner because she was "old and she doesn't do anything."
 Her eyes are so sad right now.
 She was shaved all the way down by the owner-- even her tail!    This was obviously because she was so matted and they didn't want anyone to see what horrific condition she was in.
 Our volunteer who picked her up said she was probably never bathed.  We think Lucy came from a back yard breeder.    Lucy had been chained outside for 5 years and she has scabs all around her neck.     I can't even think of the life she had-- I'll cry or just get mad.
 She is safe now, and had a short stay with Fiona.    Kay, Claretta and Fiona helped to get her to Richmond-- thank you!!   What would we do without our incredible, wonderful volunteers!!
Would you like to walk me me Amelia?     (Amelia and Magnolia live at Fiona's--)
 I see Magnolia at the door. :-)
Lucy is now safe with Jeanne-- we'll take care of Lucy.     Her life has changed for the better!
Welcome to PVPC rescue, Lucy!!

Friday, August 30, 2013


 Cosmo was my very first foster dog.    That was in 2003!  Wow, ten years ago!    He's an older boy now.
 He will veg with his toys-- or is this his brother, Winston!
 Winston is an older boy now, too.
 He loves his "grandgirl."
 Are you waiting to join them on the couch, Cosmo?
Winston and Cosmo are best friends!    It was amazing how Cosmo changed once he was adopted.     His hair grew out, he began to look so much like his brother!    And his parents have become my friends.   In rescue, we have a bond, and we have so many great new friends because of it.    Thank you, Cosmo-- you gave me a whole new world.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


 Look at this little beauty!   She is being fostered by a good friend of mine and what a difference there is in her from when they got her.
 Here she was at the shelter-- abandoned....
 matted, eyes infected, dejected.
 She's not dejected now!
 She clean, happy, healthy!   And look at her bows!   Pink, just what every girl needs.
 Her eyes aren't infected now, and she is happy to run and bounce and play.
She is a cuddle bug, and is doing great on housetraining.    She loves toys, people, other dogs.   If you are interested in adopting her, just email me at and I'll send you the contact information for her.    

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


 Bubbles (above) and Roxie are my fosters and they are so sweet!  Bubbles is only 9 pounds!
 Roxie just wants to lay on the big pillow, and have tummy rubs, and run outside if my gang hears a sound.
 My porch is finished, and I have Beach Bit's playhouse out there again.   I put a dog bed  in it-- why not make it multi-functional.   Play house and dog house!     Bubbles agrees.
 You are cute!
 Roxie found a place under the hammock to veg out.   She will get in the play house, too, but likes a place with a view.
 Okay, Starlight, I'll show them that you like the play house, too.    
 Roxie's eye was removed and the stitches are out and she's doing great.    She doesn't miss that bad eye at all!
 Aren't they adorable!  
 And at bedtime. they get on the bed for awhile before going in their playpen (too many dogs on the bed already).   Bubbles found Matt's side of the bed and there were pillows stacked up-- no problem!  She just got on top.  It reminded me of the Princess and the pea!
Roxie just curled up, too- and Max is behind her.    Everyone was ready for bedtime after a busy day.   Goodnight!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


For all of you who read the blog "The Blog"-- it was a joke.   I'm not giving up doing the blog-- I just thought it was cute to have my grandson at my computer instead of me. :-)  Keep sharing your pics with me!


 I'm not sure I'll do the blog much longer.    I know there are so many stories left to do.... Cranberry wants more blogs on her.   I could do a blog on her.
 Roxie does want her pictures and stories put on the blog, but should I do it?    There is someone in the wings who wants to take over.
 I picked up Bubbles at the vet after her dental, and her picture deserves to be showed.   But, there is someone younger who really wants to take over my "job."
 Beach Bit put on my glasses, sat in my chair, and had his hand on the mouse-- he was ready to do a blog!    He's ready to take over!
Maybe I should wait until he can spell though-- that could take a few years.    I don't know how he can see with my readers on-- they are pretty strong.    I can see  he's ready to begin though.    Let's see if he's ready once he begins school-- and that's not yet!  (Some have read this and think I'm serious-- this blog is just a joke haha.)

Monday, August 26, 2013


I had to share this.   Gracie Lu posted this on facebook and it needed to be on the blog so others (like Melinda!) could see it!

When my Mom told me about poor little Lulu crossing the Rainbow Bridge and how Gimme and June Bug were helping their Mom get over this loss, I realized how smart we Pekes are and it reminded me of when Miss Linda helped me find a home. I was all alone and no home and Ms Linda came and told me she was going to take me to a lady who would keep me until I found a furever home. When we got to Jane's house she looked so sad cause she had just lost her two Pekes, Murfee and Katee and she was too old to get another. So I decided that I would just help Jane and I was very quiet and looked around the house and then I knew I was here for a purpose. And you know what ---after a little while Jane began to smile and she said she thought I had better stay with her. But I had known from the beginning I was destined to stay. Who rescued who??? We don't really know and it makes no difference cause me and my Mom sure love each other and as I told you we Pekes know when we are needed. That's my story!!! Gracie Lu Garrett
I'm so glad PVPC could be part of this happy family!!


 June Bug is one of Cici and Miki-Harley's babies.    We thought she just might live with her foster mom and dad, but life changed in a moment.... Leslie and Doug's special girl, Lulu Belle died and Jeanne felt that June Bug could help heal their hearts.
 She went to her new home on Saturday.  The trip began with lots of kisses for her new mom and dad!
 Gimmie is wondering what that little thing is-- it's your new sister, Gimmie!  You're going to just love her.
 She is still very small, but pretty soon, she'll be racing around the house with you.   I bet that will be sooner than we think.
 "Are you talking about me?"   Yes, we are!
Puppies need naps, so I'm sure she'll get lots of those-- between bursts of energy and playing.     I know she's going to love being part of this wonderful family.     Give your mom and dad a hug for us.  And give one to Gimmie, too!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


 Ladybug came into rescue through a woman who saved her, but couldn't keep her.   She did so much for her and we don't usually get people like that-- who will go beyond to help a dog.
 Ladybug was enjoying time with Roger and Lucinda at the fireplace outside earlier this year.    Oh, I wish I could be there.
 Ladybug is doing much better now. She has had several surgeries.
 She had a bad tooth and that is all gone now!   I bet her mouth feels better!
 Ladybug was adopted by Jeff (who also is Mona Lee's foster dad).    Jeff is wonderful with these special needs' Pekes.  
 Ladybug can't see, but she has no trouble getting around.  
 Just look at that sweet face.  She reminds me of a Peke I had years ago named Coffeecake.  
 Are you sleepy girl?
 Just rest up-- let your body healt and you'll soon be all well.
Thank you Lucinda and Roger  for all you do for these precious Pekes!