Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I've used this picture before.  I just am kind of in love with it-- "The Cinnamon Look."   
This is her windblown look-- she's in front of a fan.  You can see Paddington's paw.
If you see Cinnamon...
You see another one or two.  
Cinnamon will find Paddington almost every time.   
They may all be in a huddle.
It happens every day when I'm reading. 
If I want her to go outside and she's hesitant, I just pick up Paddington and she follows.  He is her security.   They are usually touching each other.   I'm continually amazed at how good Paddington is with her.   I would have never thought he could be so protective  
At night, I have to carry her out, because she really can't see in the dark.  (In the light, she has some shadow vision.)   I put her under the porch, with the flood light illuminating the area and I'm holding a flashlight.   She needs to have that last call before bed, but without Paddington and light, she just won't do it. 
Yes, if you find one- Cinnamon- you will find another.   And it's usually Paddington.  So sweet! 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Granger has been seeing the cardiologist for several years now.  He is 11 years old. 
Tuk Tuk and Toasty went along for support.   I see them often but I’m still surprised when I see their size differences in a picture. 
Tuk Tuk wanted to help his brother stay calm. 
Toasty has admirers there. One of the vet techs adores him and she was able to see the gang. 
They waited for the cardiologist to come in. I think they were a little nervous. 
Granger is known for his “sit pretty.”   He’s so adorable. 
He had a good appointment.  He’s still on four medications but he heart is doing well. No changes. 🥰
Toasty was exhausted.  Being a little brother is hard work!  

Monday, July 29, 2024


Hopscotch came into rescue last month.   He was a shelter stray and was in rough shape.   
He had to have two grooming sessions because the mats were so tight and he was getting anxious.  
We think he is about 5 and he was all set to be adopted.  But, he had some limitations.  He needed to be an only pet.   He wanted all the attention himself.   Most of our applicants have a dog (or more) already.  
And then, that perfect application came in.   He was adopted this week-end and now he has his very own dad, his very own house....
his very own yard.   His new name is Rascal.  
His stitches are all out-- he had a big cyst removed from his back, but the hair has begun growing back.  
He is playing with toys and so happy.  
Now he can explore and go for walks with his new dad.
Look at him rolling around, being his happy self. 
His new dad says he is a drill sergeant and watches over him during his exercise routines.  LOL
He's already taken up position to guard his new home.  
Rascal snuggles up next to his new dad-- rescue means letting go but it's easier when you know they're going to a wonderful home!    Happy new life, Rascal!! 

Sunday, July 28, 2024


Winston and Gizmo came into rescue in autumn of 2021.   Their owner had cancer, and they were helped by a wonderful woman who got them to us.  
They are both very small and so sweet.  
Gizmo has some heart issues now.  He is almost 15 and he's on several meds to help him.  His mom is always on top of the health of her pups.   She's adopted many from us and I know they will always be loved.  

Winston's face has always grabbed my heart. Look at those eyes.   I know their former mom must be looking down, so happy her boys have a wonderful and loving home.  Hug them for me, Jan. 💙

Saturday, July 27, 2024


In rescue, we've helped a lot of blind dogs.  Cinnamon is sight impaired, so not totally blind.  She amazes me with how well she does.   
Having her own seeing eye dog, Paddington, really helps her.  She's learned her way around and does well.    I carry her on steps though.  
My daughter's Barty (High Sheriff in Snackington) has lost most of his hearing and his sight.   But, he manages.  
Zoey had only one eye, and she didn't see well with the other, but she knew where I was at all times.   
Kai Kai, my heart dog, lost both his eyes after extensive surgeries to save them.  
Sightless dogs can be AMAZING.  
Benny, one of my beautiful foster dogs, was completely blind.  He learned his way around.  When he came back to visit 6 months later, he came in the door, ran down the hallway, turned right at the cabinet, left to the door, and down the porch stairs.  Rita and I were stunned-- he still remembered the layout of my house. 😀  What an incredible, beautiful boy he was.  

Do you have a blind dog?   International Blind Dog Day is coming up.  Show us your blind dogs.  Just post their picture and name in the comments-- and tell us if they have special abilities like Benny did.   We'd love to see them.  

Friday, July 26, 2024


Cha Cha came into rescue in 2014.  Her owner could no longer take care of her. 
She was born in November of 2007.  She was almost 7 when she came to rescue. 
She came into rescue w her brother Poncho.  
They were so sweet.  They are here w Dash (I think it’s Dash). Dash was also adopted from PVPC.  
Poncho passed away in April.  He and Cha Cha were best friends.   He was 16 1/2 years old. 
Cha Cha receives so much love from her mom and dad. They cherish their little girl. 
Cha Cha has beds all over.  She can be close to her family. 
She can also hang out in the kitchen.  A snack might drop. 
She is such a beautiful little girl.  She’s about the size of Cinnamon who is 12 pounds. 
I love staying in touch with our and Cha Cha’s parents are friends now. I love that. 🥰