Sunday, October 6, 2024


Smooches joined our rescue yesterday. He is very sweet. 
He is a happy boy and will begin his vetting next week. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024



The shelter I work with has so many dogs that need help.  This tiny Shih Tzu was there.   Shih Tzus are in the Asian Dog Family, so the board approved us getting her.  I'm so glad we did.  

I messaged my vet and she said to come right in.  
This tiny 8 pound girl was matted and thin.   Her mats on her body were cut off, but her tail was so painful, it couldn't be trimmed.   
Our vet, Dr. Meador, has her scheduled to go back to the vet today and she will be lightly sedated.   While under, her tail can be shaved, any other mats will be removed,   She will have her bloodwork done, and nails trimmed.   She will have all she needs.  
Welcome to rescue little one.  Life has begun. 💖

Friday, October 4, 2024


Cinnamon saw me working on this blog.  I told her "Look at some we helped this year."

Cinnamon was very interested to see the pictures.   She's still a foster who will stay with me.  She feels safe here.  I was so proud of her when we had our Board Member get-together last week.  She let people hold her.  Wow.
Hopscotch  was one of our fosters and he was adopted to a great home.
Pepper aka Peppermint-- who came into rescue in December, was a foster fail.  She LOVES her home.
Emmi is beautiful.   She had so much medical care-- but she's in her loving forever home now.
Zeke the Peke-- we almost kept him.  But the home he has is amazing-- loving and wonderful. 
Rey was adopted and has Bogie as her very best friend.  
Snow Pea was in such bad shape when we got her.  I wasn't sure we could save her leg.  But, my vet was extraordinary and with her expertise, serious care, laser treatments, meds and love, Snow Pea/Snowy kept her leg and got a wonderful home.  
Bentley-- he has a young human brother.  He couldn't say Bentley, so he became Banjo.  
Leia, LiLi, has a wonderful home in NC  now.  
Miss Polo is now Della.  She is stunning.
Chello and Symphony needed a lot of medical care, and they continue to receive wonderful care in their in their new home.
We helped the West Virginia 6-- and all were adopted.   Ginger is now Sassy Princess.  She has some Min Pin in her (as do some of the others) and boy can she hike!  She loves it.  Her mom is a vet, so you know she gets wonderful care!
Charlotte-- another foster fail.  Look at that face.  

Sable /Belle and Clementine/Emmie from the West Virginia 6 were adopted together.  Why get one when you can get two!  These two are best friends!  
I'm sure there are more that I didn't mention.   Olivia is now Calypso/Callie and she has so much space to run in.   She has doggy and human brother and sisters.  

Birdie Bea, a Maltese, was at my house, too.   She and Olivia could really create running chaos.  They had so much energy.  
Now we have Barnabas-- before his hair cut to remove a lot of matting.
He loves to play, is so sweet to people and dogs.  His foster mom is working on house training, but it's easy to just put on a belly band.  He would make a wonderful addition to a family who can continue his house training. 
Yogi also had to be shaved down.  Nothing could be done to save his coat, but he will grow out.  
He loves people.  He is slowly learning he can't be the boss with other dogs.   He's making progress.  But, he'd also be fine as an only dog.  PS This morning he was playing tug of war w another dog.  🥰
And now Diamond.  Tiny, 10 pound Diamond just came into rescue last week.   She is healthy and is gaining strength in her back legs which were a little wobbly.   She is housetrained and just precious.   Don't apply-- she already has a home.  
We've had several request to take in more dogs, which we are working on.   We are a very small rescue, but for each dog we help, it changes their world.   One dog at a time, rescuers make the world a little better place.    WE ARE RESCUE.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


I can’t remember when I had just one dog.  
One dog?!  What is that like? 
Years and years ago, I always had two dogs.  One dog.  What was that?
For a while, I had Callie, Piper and Paddington.  And Cinnamon came.   She had so many stress issues that she has stayed.   She feels safe here.
The Three Musketeers. 
Four has become a more common number here.  
The Four Musketeers.  
They all get along so well.  
A lot of our adopted dogs have a friend.   Zeke (in front) is an only dog but he loves other dogs.  However, he has his own golf, lots of golfing friends, and a busy schedule.   Brock aka Big Daddy, has a sister and a brother.  And he's had foster siblings that he helps.  He's also a super dog.
Two by two is easy, three by three is great, four by four is an adventure.   Whatever you have in your home-- well, it's just right.  


Tuesday, October 1, 2024


When I first began rescue, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  
I just wanted to help Pekingese.  
That would be easy-- they would all be nice and trained.  
They would all be easy to take care of-- I didn't think of baths, and grooming and nail trims.  (I hate doing nail trims.)
I just thought, "I can help a Peke in need."   And 21 years ago, I fostered my first dog, a little one named Cosmo. (not this picture) 
I didn't know I’d fall in love w so many. 
It doesn’t matter what the weather is.  They need to go out.   And sometimes they need a bath or a haircut or meds.   We just do it.  (And there are great groomers out there.)
I promise them that as long as they were with me, I will take care of them.  I'll take care of them when they are sick, I will take them to the vet. I will do all I can to help them. 
I've washed carpets.   I've painted kitchen cabinets that are nicked by happy dogs and toys.  
I've taken in happy, sad, mad, sick, healthy, noisy, quiet... They all are different.  Yet, they are the same because they need help.  
I have "dog clothes"-- the ones you wear when you bathe, or throw on early so you can take them out.   I take care of them before I take care of me.  Well, I do get that first cup of coffee on the way outside in the morning.  😜
We've cheated some and taken in dogs who aren't Pekes-- because we had a "gap" where we could help.  
There are times when I am gone-- short or long-- and they are SO happy to see me when i come back. Each one wants to be loved on first.  So, I stoop down and just greet each one. Who could resist all that love. 
They have such constant and unconditional love for us.   They know we are helping.  
We schedule our errands around their needs and meds.   Sometimes, it's harder, and other times it's easy. 
Some come for a short time, and some for much longer.  Maybe forever.  
Some stay and become part of your family permanently.  

Rescue is easy and hard, happy and sad.  Some you help become healthy and then find them a new home.   Some you hold close when it's time to let go.   Sometimes, they are old, sometimes young.  It's always changing.   Rescue-- it's the easiest, hardest, most heart touching "job" I've ever done.  I look back at those who have been helped.   And it's worth it.  💜